Shy N Rasc's Gestures 6

Get outta town, I didn't know you did anything creative

Oh Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!!

Does not compute!!!!!

Damn, Damn, Damn!!

You are a blabber mouth!!!

This is what happens when demented people play with powerful toys!!

VP...Its a mad house.....a mad house!!!!

EZ my ass!!!

I need a big, warm, soft behind!!!!!

Here's to those who wish us well, those who don't can go to hell!!

You rang?

You know what I really, really despise?? Being disconnected!!

Just one little kisss....I've had all my shots!

I'm a lady of quality!!

Bam Bam....Bam Bam Bam

Please watch your mouth, this is an interstate phone line!!

I gotta pee, could ya'll hold for about 5 or 10 minutes...ohh uhh!!!!

It's too damn hot for a penquin to just be walkin' around here!!

I have awakened!!!

Good Morning World!!!!

I'm so deathly afraid of getting pretty as I grow older!!

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