Welcome to
Sherry's Place

This page is about some of the most important things in my life.

  I am the grandmother of six, Janelle, Dalen, Isabella, Cheyenne, and Josie. A brand new baby girl was born Thanksgiving Day 1999 to my son and his wife, see the link below to view pictures. Having raised three children, I can say without question that being a grandmother is much funner. You can enjoy all the fun stuff and leave the other things to your children to take care of. Go here to visit my grandkids (it is a grandmother thing).

  Our daughter got married on July 4th. It was a very small wedding but very nice.

  Visit here to see our son and daughter-in-law Veronica, Ray and their family.

  We welcomed Adrianna Rose into our Family November 25th 1999, 8lbs 9ozs

Click on image to view a larger picture

  My husband and I have horses, they are a big part of our life. I really didn't know much about them until 6 years ago. In fact I was afraid of them. My husband is the one who knows about horses, he has been a good teacher. I have learned a lot about horses just by watching him interact with them. Misty my 6 year old mare will be coming home from The University of Findlay, where she was being trained, on Friday Nov. 10th 1999.

Click here to visit us.

  Like I said, I am just learing about horses. It is fun but also a lot of work. I will never be a trainer, but I am learning how to work them and work with them. Visit here to see some of my horses. I will put a picture of my new horse when I get one of him.

  A pony and a little girl.

  We have two dogs, Ayla and Scooby. Ayla is Black Lab and German Shepherd mix. Scooby is Australian Shepherd and Blue Heeler. Ayla was born on June 13, 1997 and Scooby on April 17th, 1999. We also have a bunch of barn cats. I love all my animals.

  I enjoy flower gardening and reading. I had two gardens, I am down to one, and that one is half the size it was. I love flowers and gardening, but with everything else I have to do I find it very hard to keep up with. Then of course what do I do, but start a water garden. Its not that I don't already have to much to do, now I have that to learn about and keep up.

  I also have another love and that is computers. When I am not doing other things that come with being a wife, mother, grandmother and working part time, horses, and doing hay, I am on my computer. A question you might be asking is when do I have time? Well, usually at night when everyone is sleeping(and I should be). I have learned a great deal about using computers over the years. However, the more I learn the less I seem to know. My newest adventure is learning html, this page is my first attempt. I have had the help of some very nice people and good friends, their suggestions and ideas are very important to me. If anyone wants to critique my work and tell me what they think, I am open to suggestions and ideas. I don't usually pout very long, of course I am just kidding. It does help me know what people like to see or not see.

  I recently visited my sister in California. I helped her get started on a home page. Please visit her here Lynndee and help her(she needs it!!!) just kidding sis.

Please e-mail me

Friends are the best gifts in the world
This section of my page is dedicated to my friends

Sarah's CourtCole's Place

These cat pictures were created on my computer by two very lovely young ladies. I enjoyed their visit and I hope they will come back again soon.

Click on the baseball to view the page of a very special friend

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