Welcome to the the TC Media Group Web Page

TC Media Group is a special task force commissioned by Peter Lau of AFC to organize the Special Program for "Teens Conference 97". The team that was formed decided to add some icing to TC along with the main chunk of the message at the special program. The special program has been renamed as "TC Media". It is one hour in length on both days of the Conference.

TC Media Committee:

General Director: Kevin Lai
Drama Coordinator: Deborah Leung
Drama Director: Bobby Long
Music & Video Head: Phil Pang
A/V Head: Kevin Kwan


"Imagine" Producer: Jeremy Wat
"Who Cares" Producer: Phil Pang
"Secret Ambition" Producer: Amy Lee

This year for the special program, there were three testimonies, four skits, and three videos. The testmonies were by Kevin Lim, Jason Chan and Jennifer Peng. "The Driver Seat" skit by MCPC Cornerstone Fellowship was performed again. "7*Seven" or "The Seven" was brought in to reality by the drama team. "As We Gather" and "Hands" were the two other skits put on by the skit group.

The first Teens Conference web page
The TC Media TC web page
The NEW (Phil Pang's) TC web page
Check this one! Loads of multimedia stuff from TC 97!

MCPC Cornerstone Fellowship

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