K.A.R.R. stands for Knight Automated Roving Robot and was the first supercar to be made by the Knight Industries, K.I.T.T. being the second prototype. When Wilton Knight and his team created K.A.R.R., they created a chipset which was heavily integrated into the bodywork. The chipset contained very complicated programming. The main prime directive was for K.A.R.R. to protect itself at any cost, no matter what. Unfortunately, they didn't realise the full consequences of this directive, which meant that K.A.R.R. would have killed anything that tried to interfere with it. The team tried to debug and change the programming, and then strip the chipset out of the bodywork, but with it being too integrated, it wasn't possible. Eventually, they decided to just scrap the K.A.R.R. project and start afresh on a new car. K.A.R.R. was supposed to be completely dismantled, however, for some unknown reason, he was kept on STANDBY in the Knight Industries Warehouse.