Gloriana's HomePage
Mmmm....A little about me....*Smile*....

I was born in the UK but transplanted to the US at an early age. Got a great Texas drawl. I Love TEXAS. -- Makes my parents nuts since they are prim and proper in their british accent. Not me! YaHoo!! Ride 'em Cowboy/girl!! I'm getting too old to be a tomboy but I still love adventure. Still ready to try new stuff. Motto: "Try anything once (more often if it feels good) but use the correct protective gear." Better yet, try it twice... for the second time is Lucky!....Laughing It's been awhile since my trip Austin and Dallas and though what I found out is still rather interesting. Things about the opposite sex ....and also about my self ....But I'm not going to share....*~Giggle~* Hey..!...Ladies....Check these out..*~Grin~*.... Now there is a fine pair of chaps...Those West Texas guys sure know how to dress...don't they..!..*G*...... I should keep changing this page as my life keeps changes...*S* Also, please mail me, you never know when I might respond! *~*SMILE*~* Yippi Aye Yippi Yeah Done my thing in longer any need to name a hurricane after me....I've already passed through... Laughing at Self. Tried Parasailing and motorized parasailing... gotta get me one!!!...Also....Skydiving is the shit..!..WooHoo!

This beautiful poem was written by a wonderful, and obviously, very talented person. Some of you know her as Worddancer. When I first read this, I felt as if she knew me....the essence of who I truly am...*S*....

Come listen to my stories, 
and dance with me a while, 
for only then can you say 
you truly know me. 
In subtle words,
my secrets lie. 
My heart lives in my smile. 
My dreams are softly woven 
with fate and destiny. 
Come share my dance 
of words and thoughts,
and if our truths be whole, 
you just might catch 
in a passing glance,
the glimmer of my soul..... 
.............. CLG 6/12/96

Anyone who knows me knows I love to dance....I was given another poem by Worddancer, because she thought I might enjoy it...&...I do!
 Twirl me in your arms tonight, 
let me dance inside your soul,
dazzled by the fire in your eyes.
Spin me round your finger, 
and into your embrace.
Share your wondrous passion, 
Breathe with me a single breath, 
that whispers of
your infinite charm.
Let me linger lovingly, 
encircled by your arms.
Entice me with your radiant smile 
as we glide across the floor,
Singing of love's promises, 
today and evermore.
Relinquishing indecision, 
abandoning all fear, 
we'll melt into a mesmerising kiss
and join the timeless dance of Lover's bliss.

Here is another midi you may enjoy...especially if you are growing tired of the other one...*S*....

Right Click here to control first Right Click here for new midi You can always stop it by right clicking on the musical note...*S*...

....thought I'd make an attempt at this poetry thing.... Though, nowhere near the caliber of Worddancer's work ...*S*...


Heaven's Tears Feelings surge thru me like thunder Lightening sears my eyes Skies streaked with stark white wonder Through Heaven's tears I ride I fear a loss of control Drunk with life desired Frighten it may cost my soul Within Heaven's tears I hide The grass renewed with moisture The flowers swell with pride Rain pours down upon me Heaven's tears inside The earth's rebirth is done this day Leaves wet with liquid glide Upon the soft damp ground I lay As Heaven's tears subside ~~ Gloriana

Two~*~Souls The reason two souls meet are many Innocent at first glance Was their meeting Fate's planning Or just a happenstance There are many strange and ....wondrous things That happen within our world The sense looks for logic While the senses look only for pearls Take care in your quest for answers For magic surely has substance When discovered may be magic no longer As with hearts that met purely by chance ~Gloriana


Did you know .....
that I love to dance in the rain
A way of celebrating
as well as masking pain

Did you know.....
that I love the feel of the wind in my hair
the sensation of flying
away from life’s cares

Did you know.....
that I love breathtaking speed
which takes me away
from feelings of need

Did you know.....
that I love to sleep out under the stars
free to slumber away from
dead dreams and painful scars

Did you know.....
that I love the soft touch of water
for it’s gentle caress reminds me
that some things do matter

All this you may have known
From things spoken 
and feelings shown
Yet, Still....I wonder
Did you.....Know..?..

That I love how you’ve made it quiet inside
now more able to face 
life’s rollercoaster ride

Did you know.....
that I love the way 
you’ve eased the pain
made me feel I could live again

Did you know.....
that I love to feel your warmth inside
and taste you....... feel you
rushing over me like the tide 

Did you know.....
that I love the effect you have on me
wondrous waves that come 
not only from the sea



On a moonlit night
I heard the pounding sea
The beach bathed in starlight
Thundering waves, they sing to me

I turn upon the sand
Dancing gleefully
My life held in it’s hand
The ocean’s rhythm calls to me

There we met and danced our song
Two hearts together...swept
We believed this would last for long
Though the stars above us wept

Along the way, the tune was left behind
While the dance, it carried on
Till finally there came a sign
Silence......and heaven mourned

It’s then I knew I had to go
For you were never mine
Your world...Your words, they told me so
....And I’m no longer blind

My heart, my head, so full of things
As I look upon the tumbling sea
The sound of pounding hooves, the rush of wings
There flows my heart from me

Like a bird once held in your warm hand
Now forced to spread it’s wings 
Out o’er the waves, the sky, the sand
What sorrows life can bring

A mist has rolled up from the sea
Calling out your name....
You walk away from me
For there is a prior claim

My heart breaks with our tears
You say my name within a sigh
The ocean’s roar is all I hear
As the wind is asking...Why?

Destiny Denied "Captured in this band of time... These roots around them both entwine Lovers ...bittersweet are swept Hearts and souls forever kept... It matters not the wanting now Somethings... life will not allow" ~Gloriana

SURROGATE SIGHS When in someone else's arms I lie It is you that I hold nigh Your lips will be what warms my skin Sets to blaze the fire within My soul longs for your touch Though you withold from me all such I crave to be held in your embrace Though I look into another’s face It is your eyes that look to mine You are who I hold in my mind He is but a surrogate for you Here to help me make it through In truth there is no substitute But life holds us sadly mute It may not be you in word or deed As I reach out to slake my need Yet...It is You...I hold in my heart While miles...and lives keep us apart ~Gloriana

Hands upon bodies Touching, seeking to give pleasure Lips that taste as well as touch Bring to trembling one another The quaking deeply seated Roars like a fire untamed Sends the senses reeling Out of orbit - Off the plane Reaching further for the heavens Until the breaking point is claimed There, surrendered all emotion Come together as a flame Consuming each the other Within the esctasy of this Passion binding soul and body In this moment of shared bliss ~Gloriana

It is so bland a masculine fare today All the shining knights have gone away What is left is so pale an image Nothing like the aged old vintage We ladies do weep and moan We wonder where chivalry has gone We’ve but to look into the mirror There the culprit we’ll discover We failed to raise, to show, to teach The young men such was in their reach For who amoung us can reach the sky If we are never taught we can fly Instead we brazenly made strength our own We stole from them their mighty throne Now ladies don’t mistake me weak For balance here I too must seek We are different...Women and Men They need us, our strength, to lend Silent, gracefully, with confidence With love and honour and common sense We need our chevalier of yore Like we never have before Not to rescue damsels fair From the dragon in his lair Rather from a more mortal peril From this world that’s grown so sterile Each of us needs the fantasy Of ..Him & Her and You & Me Strength lent, shared, is multiplied Not often is implied So....When you ask, Where have they gone? Remember they did not go on their own.... ~Gloriana

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