June 3, 1999

I got in the spirit of updating my site for a change. really i just got bored and started thinking. THINKING. why do i think so much? did i mention i was phycic? if that's how you spell it. yes i am. last day of school i was thinking (rather fantasizing) wouldn't it be nice if chris was here? i turned around sudenely and there he was with his arms out to give me a hug. woohoo my mind screamed as i rambled on stupidly to whatever reply i was supposed to make. so later on that day i was sharing with my friends how weird that seemed that every time i remoetly thougght about someone or talked about them they'd walk bye. so then i started talking about one of my friends steven who had asked me out that nite and well wouldn't you know it steve knocked on the door so he could get something out of that room..it was soo weird!! happens all de time..summer's here i'm making money and i'm happy..sso there..talk to you later!