My Little Web Corner

Merhba! Welcome!

Il-Hin issa huwa TIME NOW IS

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Home Away From Home

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email me with your valued suggestions.

Before you proceed down my homepage and hopefully, further down the other pages, let me now tell you something about myself, so that we can get more familiar with each other. I was born on 1 August 1955. I was married for sixteen wonderful unforgetable years to my late wife, Rose (1977 - 1994). I have three lads, Ian, now a Lawyer residing in Luxembourg and employed with the European Commission, Lionel, now employed with Vodafone Malta and Neil, the youngest, who should become a fully fledged web designer soon. I can speak fluent Maltese, English, Italian and understand quite enough Spanish, German and Arabic.

My hobbies include computing, Rock and Pop music, communication and travelling. I am a Customs Officer and a broadcaster on Radio Malta. I am the founder and chairperson of Minus One , a non-profit philantropic support group for young and middle-aged widows and widowers. In order to know more about this organisation, please drop me a line or else write to

Ian the Lawyer, now residing in Luxembourg!

Lionel in Barcelona

Neil a truly talented Artist

On the Desk at the old studios of Radio Malta.

Maltese Flag Click here

or here for more information about Malta

go further down the page to look for a particular item about Malta


I believe that the World would be a better place if friendship is extended. If only one person would introduce another person to a third person and the third person would introduce another friend to another one, we will all be friends, wouldn`t we? (Confused? So am I).

So I am constantly on the lookout for new friends to develop email friendship. Come on .... be a new friend, wherever you are and whoever you may be! If you would like then I`ll introduce you to another friend, who would introduce you to another friend and so on. Together we can go places! So drop me a line!

I am waiting for you!!.


Links to other sites on the Web

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My other Home Page

My Favourite Bookmarks as on 28th February 1998 but they are still valid!

Page 2 - More Wit?

These will put a smile on your face!

Points to ponder!

My Favourites list as on 1st September 2001!


This page contains an excellent song about the internet. Please be patient and wait for it to download. Believe me, it is worth the wait!

an excellent song about the internet

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