My name is Biologygal and I am very glad you came to visit my site.


I have a story to tell and I hope you will pull up a chair and have a listen.  Are you comfortable?
Good, let's get started.

I was adopted.  I am in search of my birthmother or anyone from my birth family.  I am in desperate need to find them.  I don't really have a lot of information about the whole thing, but I do know that I was born as Misha Ann on 4/12/70 at 1:57pm in a Helena, Montana hospital in Lewis and Clark County.  The delivering doctor was Dr. John R. Bovington M.D.  There were two social workers named Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Jan Foster in Missoula, Montana that handled the case.  The officiating Judge for the legal adoption was Judge Sykes.  The legal date of adoption was 1/19/71 through the State of Montana, Department of Public Welfare.
My birth mother was 17 years of age and my birth father was 23. (he ran when he found out that my mother was pregnant)
I was told she had dark blonde hair, blue eyes and was 5'7" tall.
I hope you can help me locate my birth mother or my birthfamily.  I've gone far too long wondering where they are, do they think of me and would they want to see me as much as I want to see them?
If anyone thinks they can help me or have any information that might help, will you please email me?  You might be saving someones sanity!


This is me at 31/2 months old.


This is me now at 29 years old,

Well, that's my story.  I hope you didn't fall asleep.  I hope that you can help me, but if you can't, that's ok.  If you know of someone who can, please direct them to me.  If not, that's ok too.  I still would like your input on my site, so email me at
and let me know what you think.  Also, I would love it if you signed my guestbook.


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