
High School

June, 1997. I graduated from Seaquam Secondary School at Delta, BC, Canada. Although I was there for only a year, it was still an unforgettable one. Too bad that I can't visit my friends often 'cause I'm in the US now ''''><''''

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Prom night... what a pretty sight hey?
Mr. Wei, my math/calculous teacher... one of the best I've ever had :)


Sunday, May 14th, 2000... I graduated from the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. But in reality, I won't get my diploma until January 2001, which is when I'll really graduate. Right now I'm still stuck here at UIUC trying to finish my classes. Can't wait to get outta here!

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Mom, me, and my sis Ann.
Me and Allysia! Can't wait to see you in the Fall, girl!
Me and Matt... Hang in there, you're almost done!

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