Here are most of the girLs of asap, some friends, and me at the very left at Fantasia '97...=)

Here's a recent ASAP picture...left to right, they are...

FiRST ROW: Dinna, Veary, Roshni, Janet, Cindy

SECOND ROW: NicoLe, Sochan, Theresa, Jasmine, Cheryl, Charlene, Carla, Nikki, and Sam!! =D

Here is one gorgeous girL of the Crew...=) Dinna's senior picture for this '98! =D

...and here is another's...Roshni's senior pic, aLso for this '98! =)

...and here's beautiful CheryL's senior pic...=)

Some juniors of asap...

CindEE aka Tinco her freshman year...I'LL never Let go of this pic!!

Here's CindEE aka Tinco tangLed up in tape..=D Hahaha...I Love this pic of her!!

Theresa aka White China in her gorgeous skOoL pic!!

Here's Theresa aka White China in her this year's skOoL pic...isn't she gorgeous??

Veary aka Vearyfine in her beautifuL skOoL pic!!

This is Veary aka Vearyfine in her BeAuTiFuL skOoL pic for this year!!

Here's some asap and friends at BG's Homecoming '97...incLuding Gordon and me...=)

Here are Nikki of asap and I at Homecoming '97...=D

baK to the originaL pix index payge
baK to Li'L girL adidasgirL's homepayge!! 1