BGHS's Homecoming 1998..."A Night in Paris"!!

Here's TM, better known as Theresa, w/ her boyfriend Hans of about 10 mo.'s at tha' time of tha' pic!! =) Aren't they so picture perfect?! =D

Here's DanieLLe and her boyfriend Nate...I chink they were at about 2 mo.'s?? =D Awww...they're so cute...and again, picture perfect!!! =D

Here is Diana and her boyfriend Anthony!!! =) How cute, huh? OoOoOoh...Diana...we know what LoOk got Anthony hOoked!! =D Hee-hee...tha' uLtimate seduction!! =D

Here Fathima and her boyfriend!! =D I'm shorrie, but I don't know his name!! ={ But again, gorgeous pic...dang, Fathima LoOks hard...don't mess w/ her, huh?? =D be aDded in tha' future...
go to Gordon and my Homecoming pic!!
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