Here's my beLoved car...
...weLL, this is the pic of my car taken off of the Toyota website...=)
My car is a siLver/gray 1998 Toyota RAV4 which my Loving Daddy and Mommy bought me this past summer of 1998!!! =) It's from LibertyviLLe Toyota of ILLinois...=) I Love my car with a passion and it's my baby!! WeLL, second to Gordon, but it's my baby nonetheless...=D SurprisingLy, this is the ONLY picture I have of it!! Don't worry...more are coming...=) Here it is...
This is my car and I right after the signing of the check!!! =D It's the PoLaroid that the deaLers aLL take, I gu-ess!! =D
This pic was taken at 11:30 tOok that Long!! =D But it was WELL worth it!! Keep checking back for more pix and 411 on my second baby!! =D