Here's the 1997-98 BuffaLo Grove High School Varsity Girls Soccer team...
Stephanie (Leider), Cathy, Katy, Beth(y), (V-)Gina, Patty (Wack), Sharon(a), Emma
Coach Schram, Stephanie (Brownie), VaL (Twin 2), Kristine (LinDsteDt), Coach Erfort, Kara, Summer (Twin 1), Lisa, Coach Lonteen
AL(exis), E(lizabeth), Jenny (Rivvy), EmiLy (Koosh), Lauren, me!
We had to take it as mug shots!! Dang...I LoOk eviL, Brownie sez...!!
Here are some fellow soccer jocks in their this year's basketball picture...=D
Left to right, they are Mandy, Bethy with the baLL, and Michelle! =)
(Love out to Bethy and Jeff; and MicheLLe and Ben!!)
BTW...we did get buddy pix as the four of us, so that'LL be up here sOon...!!
...and here that buddy pic is!! =D Here are (L>R, top>bottom) MicheLLe, Beth, me, and Mandy in our buddy pic for this '97-'98 season!! =D