Hello,from the rainy state. Welcome to my little home on the web. I'm very new at this,so as I learn,my page will be changing. If you don't like it now,come back in a few days.
I'm very excited to be learning about the web.If you have any suggestions on making my page better, e-mail me.
UUUUM,A little about myself. I live in Washington state. I have a perfect relationship with my wonderful hubby, whom has the to my heart and invented my webname "OKIE-MOE". He gave me this name, because at one point in time I lived in Stilwell Oklahoma.
I also lived in Fairbanks Alaska for a while a few years ago. So he put OKIE and ESKIMO together and came up with OKIE-MOE. And in case you were wondering, I'm a blond haired, green eyed native Californian. If you like this page please feel free to give me awards.