Henry The Bear Hunter Henry the hunter goes out with his trusty six shooter to hunt bears. Henry spots a huge black bear, aims, and fires..BANG !!! The smoke clears, and no bear. He gets a tap on the shoulder, turns around, and there is the bear... The bear says "nice shot weenie, you've got 2 choices, I can either eat you for dinner, or you can bend over, and (ahem) let me do my "thing". Well Henry does not want to die, so he drops his drawers, and the bear goes to town on him. Henry waddles home, and finds a rifle. "I'll get that damn bear", he says as he waddles back to the woods. Henry sees the bear again, holds up the rifle, and fires...BANG !!! The smoke clears, and he gets a tap on the shoulder... The bear says, "Ha, ha, buddy, same two choices." Henry crawls home this time to grab the biggest rifle he can find, goes back to the woods. He sees the bear and fires...BANG, BANG, BANG !!! Trees fall and the smoke clears. Henry gets a tap on the shoulder, and the bear says... "You ain't in this for the hunting are you?"
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