1. He drives you home after a date and leaves the motor running...
2. He offers to drive the groupe home, and you're the first one he drops 
3. He starts talking about kissing and sex from a hypienic point of view...
4. He only dances the fast numbers with you, and sits out on the slow 
   romantic ones...
5. She starts introducing you to people as one of her "oldest and dearest 
6. The song you've always considered "our song" comes on the radio, and he 
   snaps it off, saying, "I've always hated that thing!"
7. You start noticing how, lately, he spends more time on the cellular 
   talking when you're together than talking to you...
8. He starts telling you how nice your old boyfriend was...
9. She tells you that no matter what happens, she'd like to always have you
   as a friend!
10.She says: "We're both very young."

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