Savage Garden

Kasey's Top 40: July 6, 1997, AMERICA (radio)

Kasey: We're counting down now to the band Savage Garden. One of their members has a life long love of science-fiction. Darren Hayes grew up in Brisbane, Australia and he says that as a child, he loved nothing more than retreating into the wonderful world of imaginary worlds and intergalactic voyages. He says he's seen the "Star Wars" movies over and over and over again, and one of his dreams is to play a part in the upcoming sequel to the series. But he says when it comes to science-fiction fantasies, nothing compares to the Steven Spielberg movie "E.T." Darren says he can't even count the number of times he's seen the film, and his obsession with it went beyond just sitting in the theatre. He says he loved E.T. so much, he built his own E.T. out of paper mache. Then Darren put him in a milk basket that he attached to the front of his bicycle and rode around his neighborhood with him. He says the kids in his neighbourhood would make fun of him for that, but it didn't matter. E.T. meant more to Darren than they did. And his love of science-fiction has stayed with him as he's grown. In fact, the title of Savage Garden's latest hit has a science-fiction ring to it. Climbing a notch to number 29 this week on Kasey's Top 40, here's "To the Moon and Back".

