Mia's Tag  ;o)

hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work we go.....

Welcome to María's Virtual Home! It's been two years since I started this page. I've added and removed a lot of stuff. Check out some of my new links. I will still try and keep this page current with new icons and backgrounds. Please feel free to comment and help me with this page AND don't forget to sign my guest book!!! Thanx for stopping by! :o)
Fantasy Island

Email me!!

Created: April 13, 1997

July 26, 2000

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(started 7/15/98)
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My friend's Mustang Page

Brian's Hotwheels
Trade, Sell & Info

awesome images!!!

Top 150 Animated .GIFS
cool animated icons

Onebox.com NEW!!!
Great service!!!


Buddies Page

Keroppi & friends

These pictures are in no particular order. Some are from our senior year in high school to the present.

Voyager of the Seas
Royal Caribbean International


Voyager of the Seas Great pictures!

Cruise Critic Message Board - RCI
Very informative site. Fellow cruisers help answer numerous cruise-related questions.

My 2000 Xterra

Pix of my FIRST brand new car.....er, SUV!!
*coming soon*

UnOfficial Nissan XTERRA Message Board

Wanna chat about your X with others? Go to TalkCity.
Room: nissan-xterra-chat

1966 Shelby Cobra

"The fastest production car ever!"

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