Hi! Welcome to banana211's homepage! I've had this site for a few years now along with other sites. Unfortunately, I am not a great URL/HTML/XML user so my pages aren't as "cool" as others' sites. Anyway, it's functional enough to maneuver around, and you can tell when I've picked up some stuff here and there, and which stuff is older by the simplicity of the page... but oh well. This way I know I'll never lose some pics. I don't know how people can do this stuff all day long, make it so pretty, and so damn good! Anyway. Take care...

Links to Pics My Sites Other Sites

Celebrating 4:20 2003

Haili Tournament 2003

Haili Tournament 2004

Haili Tournament 2005

Haili Tournament 2006

Nationals in New Orleans 2006

Haili Tournament 2007

Guy Friends

Girl Friends

My Family

Song Lyrics

Poetry Collection

Dorien's Site
