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*UPDATED* (Thoughts--> July 11/02)

Hey! Welcome, welcome :) hehe...anyhoo just trying out new stuff. hmmm just click the links below and it'll lead u to where it says...ok? ok. well go ahead and click away...:P


[name] Clarissa Arcilla
[d.o.b.]09/13/82 ... don't forget that :P
[where] Winnipeg, Manitoba

July 11, 2002
10:37 pm
I wrote my last exam today..
and it went very well...hopefully... :P
I am now officially finished with school...at least for a year...
I'm happy :)
heheheh :D
thanks christian for the sushi! hehe we both satisfied our cravings :P
and though my mom doesn't read this i really want to thank her for the big hug she gave me...and for saying thanks...
it really made me happy to see her proud of me...thank you mommy <3<3<3
well that's all i really have to say for an update...
hmm oh yea i'm leaving in 26 days...:D
so if u want anything u have to sign my guestbook :P hehe
ok that's it...
<3 <3 <3

click the LINKS

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