In a world of so much sorrow,
It's hard to look forward to tomorrow.
Then a smile, a glance and soon you forget
The pain in your heart and the tears that you wept.
Words can sometimes soothe the soul
Yet can cause emotions that take their toll
On a heart that cannot take words spoken
For fear that it will again be broken.
Feelings stir and memories are made,
Absences grow longer and smiles fade,
You realize you have lost your allure.
Dreams crash like waves against the shore.
Yet when you think you can no longer cope.
You still hold onto that ray of hope.
That somehow you will someday learn.
Just where it is you want to turn.
Is it memories from the past?
Of friendships that didn't last?
Or will it be to mending a heart
That didn't want us to part?
Wondering if you felt the same.
If not, no one can lay any blame.
But of one thing you can be sure,
You will be loved forevermore.