Welcome to Our Guestbook!

Pampered_Lady - 09/15/00 17:17:16
My Email:Lady_Baracuda@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: Friend

I have done everything you said to do for a new pallette and I am still having trouble , can get the little window to come up but no gestures in it,,I am having to write you here as I could not get your e-mail to open...Please help me and a friend

The Great One - 06/20/00 10:34:24
My Email:m50trm@cs.com
How did you find our site?: checkin on how to run zip files (witch i didnt find)

you guys should give a little more help in what to do when you tell people how to run zip files if you evne know how to that is well peace peps

April Driggers Hendrix - 05/29/00 13:02:30
My Email:adapril@netscape.net
How did you find our site?: looking up april driggers


- 05/06/00 18:39:46


Debbie Martin - 03/26/00 04:10:00
My Email:debstlc@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: friend

I think it is just wonderful.

Debbie Martin - 03/26/00 04:08:39


Bernard - 02/24/00 21:02:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in3/bernard/paintpalace.html
My Email:baolsonjr@uswest.net
How did you find our site?: a friend

This is a wonderful page , thank you so very much

-Bernard - 02/24/00 20:56:03
My Email:bernard@excite.com
How did you find our site?: a friend

this is a wonderful page and thank you so much for your wisdom

Margaret Heath - 01/07/00 00:18:26
My Email:_Bubbles171@excite.com
How did you find our site?: your e-mail

Great Idea that should put some of the computer Mr. Fix-it's in their places. LOL Beleive Me, I will save this piece of information. Love you.

DeeDee - 11/22/99 17:08:50
How did you find our site?: VPGoodies

Very cool site

Marc (WOLF-CALL) - 11/16/99 11:22:40
My Email:wolfem@bellsouth.net
How did you find our site?: VP Goodies

cool site...nice avs...can't wait to gest' keep that creative 'stuff' flowing see ya next time...

dojo_2 - 10/23/99 13:17:44
My Email:wlm357@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: VPlaces

excellent place to shop for av's gestures and many other handy downloads and paint shop too! It's got it all in one easy to use place!!!

Brenda Moore - 10/21/99 04:18:29
My Email:_bam10@excite.com
How did you find our site?: LINK


April Honey - 09/29/99 20:05:24
My Email:ahoneyaz@aol.com
How did you find our site?: searching for april honey

My name is April Honey. I was doing a search for my web site and found you instead. Very nice. See ya!

09/24/99 09:00:48
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Mama - 09/16/99 06:03:33
My Email:mahjlh@pacbell.net
How did you find our site?: :-)

Love you

Marrgaret Heath - 09/05/99 20:15:17
My Email:mahjlh@pacbell.net
How did you find our site?: you sent the address

I don't know when you sent me this address, but I found it today. It made me weep, as you so often have been able to, both in sorrow and in pleasure. I am proud and happy to be your mother.

frank - 07/07/99 16:13:08
My Email:big-toys@excite.com
How did you find our site?: serched it in vp directory

you have some damm good gestures and thank's

Goldy - 06/29/99 20:05:20
My Email:MissGoldy@excitemail.com
How did you find our site?: looking for gestures

really kewl site...lots of great gestures

cuddly-kimberly - 06/12/99 14:28:14


Princess_Mischief - 06/03/99 19:59:01
My Email:chrissy25@custom.net
How did you find our site?: shopping around

very good gestures...thx you

Jean - 05/18/99 23:01:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/Jeanaries/index.html
My Email:crazyjean@webtv.net
How did you find our site?: my sister sent it to me

This is such a lovely site, I would like to add it to webpage

RetroHoney - 05/02/99 18:14:08
My Email:Retrohoney99@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: Through Ings

God bless you!!!!!!!!!! I have literally been trying for months to figure out Winzip. Your instructions made it so simple. I am recovering from shock!! Thank you so much!!!! Too bad the Winzip people are too stupid to give us simple instructions like that.

Tony & Jean - 04/24/99 02:03:29
My Email:tjlamarca@access2k1.net
How did you find our site?: A friend

funny but true.

squeaky mouse - 04/18/99 22:22:37
My Email:squeaky@excite.com
How did you find our site?: Ing's links

This was the BEST place I have visited for Gestures so far and I have been to the Vault and other places like it. None of their Gestures that I am interested in seem to work. You have done a wonderful job here and I really enjoyed surfing here. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! keep up the good work.

FLY_LATINA - 04/16/99 21:31:30
My URL:http:/www.
My Email:excite.com

great gestures

joker21m A.K.A. Mike - 04/14/99 21:30:11
My Email:raistlin21_@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: surfing

I love this site!!!!!!!! I will recamend it to all my friends

- 03/30/99 04:22:04


- 03/30/99 02:37:37


- 03/29/99 00:36:40


- 03/29/99 00:21:41


- 03/28/99 22:24:51


- 03/28/99 21:51:55


- 03/28/99 21:41:24


- 03/28/99 21:06:23


CHERIE WHITE - 03/28/99 19:48:20
How did you find our site?: BROTHER


- 03/24/99 10:39:23


dyuls - 03/23/99 21:08:26
My Email:angel20449@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: links

hello there uve got a cool homepage here... i just would like to ask if u could send me the steps in making a new pallete through my email... i cant print the steps and i'm just wondering if u could help me out thanks in advance and ur help will be greatly appreciated =)

TNDeaDpOOL1 - 03/22/99 05:22:32
How did you find our site?: ings

Really kool site thanks for letting me shop.

OkieGuy22 - 03/21/99 11:31:10
My Email:dah_x@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: Ing's

Good job gals. I haven't heard some of these lines in years.

OkieGuy22 - 03/21/99 11:30:13
My Email:dah_x@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: Ing


JSL - 03/17/99 22:34:27
My URL:http://jsl.goodtimes.org
My Email:jrsl@xoommail.com
How did you find our site?: Anything Black Web Ring

Hi there You have a great webpage,I realy liked your poems. Cya next time

lilpaco - 03/14/99 17:16:57
My Email:lilpaco@fuse.net
How did you find our site?: main oage


upwindott - 03/11/99 00:20:00
How did you find our site?: surfed in

cool!!!!!!!!!!! I like it

PWilde2 - 03/02/99 22:15:09
My Email:PWilde2@excite.com
How did you find our site?: from ING's

it's a great site keep up the great work I'll be visiting again and reccommending it to friends

xXxSexyCopxXx - 03/01/99 05:11:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/sexycop/sc.html
My Email:ladycop78@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: RonLuv

Nice page...pretty nice gestures. I'll check back from time to time to "swipe" some more..*smile*

littlelady_8 - 02/28/99 02:42:39
My Email:littlelady_8@excite.com
How did you find our site?: chat directory

this place is great. Thank you very much thanks littlelady

KLiTEaZR - 02/23/99 08:34:11
My Email:ubsxib9@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: Ing`s

Nice gestures you have , they cracked me up . Keep up the good work............ KLiTEaZR

- 02/18/99 20:19:19


akula_NS1 - 02/03/99 11:01:53
My Email:rimau007@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: frenz

keep it up...with more gest.....

icedtea1 - 01/31/99 08:48:07
My Email:icedtea1@earthlink.net
How did you find our site?: on excite tour

I think the whole page and poem is beautiful! Will be glad to send others to see it.

sammy - 01/28/99 22:28:01
How did you find our site?: good


brandierose - 01/26/99 16:18:34
My Email:bree49er@goldrush.com
How did you find our site?: came to me

Hi, Loved the poem, sorry didn't h ear the music?

purplerose57 - 01/25/99 14:49:48
My Email:@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: a friend,sent url.

great page i enjoyed it thanks,

Crystal - 01/22/99 21:07:40
My Email:crys1027@aol.com
How did you find our site?: Through the quick directory on VP.

I love the ges...I think that they are the best I have come across.

saria - 01/16/99 09:50:02
My Email:pitbull794@prodigy,net
How did you find our site?: though links

it was a very helpful site up until now i didn't know how to use my winzip to acess my gestures but now its a breez thanx a lot

space - 01/13/99 14:28:28
My Email:micnobody@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: a friend

thanks so much for all the info, could have never done it with out ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chandra Phillabaum - 01/11/99 13:56:50
My Email:dcdecan@wesnet.com
How did you find our site?: ing's


Donna - 01/06/99 19:52:39
My Email:dhickey@berksys.com
How did you find our site?: Link from cowtown

I just want to let you know I love your page..Keep up the good work.

Lorraine - 01/06/99 18:25:41
My Email:Gran0424@aol.com
How did you find our site?: VPlaces\Ings

Thanks for your help with WinZip!!

Pattie - 01/02/99 20:01:09
My Email:shebear68@aol.com
How did you find our site?: Ing's Links

I had a great time in here getting gestures...Great page....

Brian - 12/25/98 21:03:30


- 12/25/98 05:15:11


michael - 12/25/98 05:03:07
My Email:mnbaker@thegrid.net
How did you find our site?: Looking around


ashly - 12/24/98 18:55:53
How did you find our site?: from a link

I really like your page. It is so cool. I have been looking for some gestures that I like and I was glad to finally find some.

James Blacke - 12/23/98 20:57:56
My URL:http:/ www.yahoo.com
My Email:starman98_1998@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: a friend

i like this program

evs - 12/17/98 08:52:38
My Email:eva_202@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: Ings links

its great, thanx

Eva amillyah - 12/16/98 09:55:53
My Email:amillyah@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: thru Ing's Avatar and Gesture Links

This is great, lots of gestures, altho for some reason my pc won't load some of them, it just crashes, but the rest are good!!!!

Tammy - 12/13/98 16:32:22
My Email:casyeta@istar.ca
How did you find our site?: ing's link page

Lots of interesting stuff here. Great work. My sister loves it too, this is where i usually find her when she is on line.

Psychobabbler. - 12/12/98 19:26:04


Psychobabbler. - 12/12/98 19:19:30


WannaPlay - 12/11/98 20:00:15
My Email:
How did you find our site?: april dragged me here

You sweet ladies have created a very nice assortment of VP stuff. I wish I was intelligent enough to take advantage of all of it. However, "wanna" isn't going to play anymore. Too many people trying to hurt the few I care about. It's been real..or at leas "virtual" Thx, WannaPlay

Storm - 12/10/98 04:38:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/storm_trax
My Email:storm_trax@excite.com
How did you find our site?: sent by a friend through ICQ

Thank you.... Really meant a lot to me to read that poem.... It is beautiful

Susie - 12/02/98 19:36:53
My URL:http://susiesplace.simplenet.com/

Greetings, Just stopping in to repay the kindness of your visit to my site, and to thank you for taking the time to sign my guestbook. I'm so glad you enjoyed the fonts! You've done a wonderful job on your page...keep it up! Thanks for inviting me over! B ight Blessings, Susie

johnny - 12/01/98 20:46:15
My Email:
How did you find our site?: a freind

you got a real nice site here thank u for having it

johnny - 12/01/98 20:46:13
My Email:shibo@prodigy.net
How did you find our site?: a freind

you got a real nice site here thank u for having it

johnny - 12/01/98 20:46:12
My Email:shibo@prodigy.net
How did you find our site?: a freind

you got a real nice site here thank u for having it

N.Rice - 12/01/98 16:01:06
How did you find our site?: excite search

I tried for hours to figure out the zip files I downloaded, then I found your help page and got it in just a few minutes! Thanks alot!!

Nita Rice - 12/01/98 15:57:16
My Email:snuffy@mo-net.com


M.A. Shull Sr. - 11/28/98 19:39:45
My Email:MAShull@aol.com
How did you find our site?: I found it by chance

You two are funny. I enjoy the quips. I happen to be a MAN, however I understand where you were going with the "male bashing". Just remember, if it werent for man. WOMAN would not be here.....Have a good day.

zuya_sica - 11/27/98 19:08:13
My Email:@mailexcites.com
How did you find our site?: i just flew in

this a great site i found just bout everything i could want in here *S* good job with the site *S*

minx2 again! - 11/27/98 15:33:08

Got one for your make me laugh section: Ever notice how when the house is a wreck, the dog just rolled in something dead, and one of the kids just threw up, That is when your inlaws will "drop By"!

minx2 - 11/27/98 15:23:52
How did you find our site?: surfin'

loved the "make me laugh" section, good gestures too!

xXTLDXx - 11/23/98 21:25:27
My Email:RIFRAF@aol.com
How did you find our site?: Ings gest link


Anne Marie Kitty - 11/22/98 19:43:19


WrLrdMars&LaraMars - 11/22/98 05:23:39
How did you find our site?: Browsing from Ings links

Nice site ladies Background is a little too light for lettering, but otherwise liked it all. Keep up the great work

Karen._. - 11/18/98 14:22:33
How did you find our site?: ings

you two are right on...thanks...made me smile when i needed it....quiet week to ya !! love, k

C. Sherman - 11/15/98 17:52:09
My Email:sherma6@ibm.net
How did you find our site?: browsing

Too Beautiful for words!!! Do you have free postcards so I could send others to your site?

darlin_sc - 11/10/98 15:57:45
My Email:mickiejs@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: search

Honey & April, Thanks for all the gesrures,keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

darlin_sc - 11/10/98 15:57:27
My Email:mickiejs@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: searh

Honey & April, Thanks for all the gesrures,keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

darlin_sc - 11/10/98 15:43:11
My Email:mickiejs@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: searh

Honey & April, Thanks for all the gesrures,keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mrwiggly6 - 11/09/98 22:12:40
My Email:mrwiggly6@mailexite.com
How did you find our site?: my freind april

i love the site its great and got all your gestures....lol........dance it up

joker3000 - 11/09/98 01:36:26


- 11/08/98 05:41:47


Charmer_43 - 11/07/98 16:08:04
How did you find our site?: Ing's homepage

Neesy....introduced me to your gesture's....thanks Neesy

Wild Rain - 11/06/98 04:59:40
How did you find our site?: VP... All places

thanks ..... you really have a good page here , appreaciate it greatly

Sharon LeBouef - 11/04/98 19:55:09
My Email:kajuncarp@mobiletel.com

I really enjoyed your poem of embroidery. It is food for thought.

Jess - 11/03/98 04:08:12
My Email:ross3@FirstClass.wit.edu
How did you find our site?: Friend

It is very nice, and i hope that you will come up with somemore that i can read. thanks for sharing with me.

ricochet51 - 11/02/98 22:56:18
How did you find our site?: a friend


eldorado78 - 10/31/98 21:34:33
My Email:eddorval@telusplanet.net
How did you find our site?: browsing

pretty cool(kewl)ha

Audrea - 10/28/98 21:50:24
My Email:ccsu3402@earthlink.net
How did you find our site?: Ing's AV & Gesture Link

Thanks a bunch girls, for all of the gestures. I am very new to VP and needed to stock pile plenty of material to use, and you helped a lot!! And thanks too for the help pages on Winzip and creating pallettes!!

allheart69 - 10/16/98 20:42:20
My Email:allheart69@hotmail
How did you find our site?: ing's links


Tammy - 10/10/98 02:10:23
My Email:BBear129@aol.com
How did you find our site?: lake applet

Beautiful poem. Inspirational.

aussie girls - 10/07/98 10:50:33
My Email:joandal@mailexcite.com
How did you find our site?: search

wonderfull, enjoyed our visit, will let others know where it is thanks

SoulTaker_ - 10/07/98 08:23:18
My Email:nope
How did you find our site?: web crawler

GREAT site ladies...congrads

garfield - 10/02/98 23:53:35
My Email:odie@clearnet.net
How did you find our site?: url messeages

I realy thought that your site was nice.........

JIM from JI - 10/02/98 00:35:33
How did you find our site?: My wife


10/01/98 10:15:45
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Becky - 09/25/98 06:35:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/isjstme/index.html
My Email:mistifyme@webtv.net
How did you find our site?: A Friend

Thank you.........

XxX_Dolomite_XxX - 09/25/98 06:26:49
How did you find our site?: a friend in vp


Michael - 09/24/98 14:29:34
My Email:m_bain@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: a friend

cool av's !! havint finished lookin yet, but like what i see know!! rubberworker

Odis Trull - 09/22/98 15:30:35
My URL:http://www.inergy.com/McGyver_t/welcome.html
My Email:McGyver_t@webtv.net
How did you find our site?: I was forwarded one of your pages in an e-mail

I checked out your site. I loved it Great work, wonderful poems

midge - 09/20/98 09:22:28
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Bluffs/5551
My Email:midque@webtv.net
How did you find our site?: from an email

enjoyed my visit & will return to check out your other links feel free to visit midque's rest area anytime as i'm always adding more

nancy t. - 09/20/98 07:05:45
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GrouchoGulch/notmeoat/friends.html
My Email:NoTmEoAt@webtv.net
How did you find our site?: from a friend

I LOVE THIS PAGE...MENtal illness is correct..lol

Chris - 09/19/98 23:09:08
My Email:cfulford@spydee.net
How did you find our site?: HunnyBunchesAOats toured me here


ALICE - 09/18/98 17:52:31
My Email:jonal4@javanet.com
How did you find our site?: it was sent to me

the picture is great,but I had a hard time reading the writting.I have read this poem before is beatiful

Lam Cheng Leong - 09/16/98 10:39:35
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Area51/8899/
My Email:lodar@mailexcite.com
How did you find our site?: links from others.....

how do i view the gesture ?????? it's format is vpa........hmmmmm or izzit something else ?????

tiffany - 09/16/98 02:31:58
My Email:sweetjenn24@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: clicked on a name of someone in here

nice av's but you need more to choose from.

Martin - 09/15/98 02:03:27
My Email:moomaw@gj.com
How did you find our site?: link


Dean Cory - 09/11/98 19:10:21
My Email:axtros@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: vpavatar sight

still lookimg for music gestures, but i like what i see any waya.

Cindy - 09/11/98 13:59:37
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: I like this page.... mine has just been updated :-) Thanks, Cindy

- 09/09/98 23:23:00


Donna - 09/08/98 03:19:30
How did you find our site?: in VP

THANK YOU.........THANK YOUUUUU.......THANK YOUUUUUUUU....... I couldn't figure out how to make this winzip work.......... again......Thanksssssssssss *S*

Donna - 09/08/98 03:15:14
How did you find our site?: in VP

THANK YOU.........THANK YOUUUUU.......THANK YOUUUUUUUU....... I couldn't figure out how to make this winzip work.......... again......Thanksssssssssss *S*

unka - 09/06/98 13:05:09
My Email:dunc69er@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: just browsing.

some really cool gestures, thanx a million

terri - 09/04/98 22:21:49
My Email:rhammond@rifle.net
How did you find our site?: ings. in vp

thanks for the silly facts page it was great and couldn't have come at a better time. it has been a real busy day with the kids and some of the facts that you put in there happened today. love it and needed it today. thanks again. keep up the good wor

JD_SEATTLE - 08/30/98 19:31:03
My Email:jdread@prodigy.net
How did you find our site?: from..rachelpc

thank you for explaining so well on how to create new pallet's....very well done....

Charlie - 08/30/98 12:08:04
My Email:jimmyman@iserv.net
How did you find our site?: a friend

I really liked the poem. A wonderful analogy.

Janet - 08/29/98 17:25:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/jrmfel/creation.html
How did you find our site?: Surfed in

I liked your lake applet,i also used this effect for my sculpture page and in my art gallery page painting of the wolfs off to the hunt.Best of luck in the future.

- 08/28/98 03:18:28


Aprils12 - 08/26/98 18:14:57
My Email:blackrose@globalserve.net
How did you find our site?: looking for a rose

I love this site that has my name on it. Keep up the good work.

Aprs - 08/26/98 18:12:51
My Email:blackrose@globalserve.net
How did you find our site?: looking for a rose

I love this site that has my name on it. Keep up the good work.

alliy - 08/26/98 16:54:21
My Email:jlnorth@gte.net
How did you find our site?: excite search engine

Love the background on this page..smile

Robyn - 08/23/98 16:07:03
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Shores/3111
My Email:rob@i-star.com
How did you find our site?: sent to me

The page was so beautiful. I would like to commend you on the whole thing. I am sending it to several of my friends. Thank you for the look around.

LADYVIRGO1 - 08/23/98 02:40:51
My Email:whenna@swetland.net
How did you find our site?: WAS SENT TO ME BY A FRIEND

It is a beautiful poem. I'm so glad it was sent to me. Lost my mother a few years ago and im wondering ifshe can see the pattern of my life.

DJ Maroulis - 08/23/98 02:15:50
My Email:maroulis@asbank.com
How did you find our site?: Sent to me by a Good Friend!

I think that your site is beautiful! I am going to send it around the world. I have friends all over and they too deserve to read this! You are blessed!

Zero One Cool - 08/21/98 21:28:45
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SiliconValley/Park/5579/
My Email:zeronecool@geocities.com
How did you find our site?: you sign my guestbook


Animated Gifs

cloudplaying - 08/18/98 04:43:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~cloudplaying/Homepage/index-2.html
My Email:cloudplaying@geocities.com
How did you find our site?: ings

ROFLMAO,,,,SO TRUE! LOVED IT! Everyone needs to read this! Cloudplaying

Jodi - 08/18/98 03:00:12
My Email:thumperhump@aol.com
How did you find our site?: friend

great work guys! hope to talk to you two soon

BAYOU_BABY - 08/18/98 02:07:23
How did you find our site?: ings

i just wanted to say first, normally i dont sign the guestbooks. but i really enjoyed this one. i came in for gestures, but he poem and silly facts i just loved.. thanks for the pleasure.. BB

racer-x-66 - 08/16/98 17:02:34
My Email:racer_x_16@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: friend

real nice site. thanks for the gestures. come find me in v.p. we'll talk thanks again, RACER-X-66 p.s. long live speed racer

- 08/15/98 05:05:05


Margaret Heath - 08/15/98 04:01:58
My Email:mahjlh@pacbell.net
How did you find our site?: Honey!!


katie - 08/14/98 22:15:48
My URL:http://expage.com/page/rustychickens
My Email:rustychickengirl@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: i followed this guys here.

umm..... I was here!

sybil__2 - 08/14/98 00:18:48
My Email:sybil__2@mailexcite.com
How did you find our site?: friend

it was great!!

TxKitt - 08/10/98 01:53:36
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Park/5426/
My Email:jselliott@yahoo.com
How did you find our site?: surfed on

Great Gestures! Keep 'em coming!

Slag_Burn - 08/09/98 23:47:06
My Email:drinkindew@mailexcite.com
How did you find our site?: I found it through Ing's link page

I haven't checked out the gestures yet, but I love the graphics on your website. It might be nice to do a little description of the graphic involved, but I'm sure it's busy work as it is getting done what you got done. So far I love the site. ((({April & oney})))

happigolucky - 08/09/98 02:23:28
My Email:cardath@e-tex.com
How did you find our site?: followed friends

great stuff! Thank You!

Lynne - 08/08/98 07:03:33
My Email:meglb@uswest.net
How did you find our site?: GREAT!!!

No prob downloading at all tonight. Keep up the good work!!! Love the new additions!!!

kevlarTPA - 08/07/98 01:34:50
My Email:kevlartpa@hotmail.com
How did you find our site?: honey told me

I'm a friend of honey's and don't think i've ever spoken to you April but if you ever need a friend ... I'm here !!!!!!! Kevin (kevlarTPA)

Jay - 08/06/98 16:58:54
How did you find our site?: Nice.. slo0w to load though. thanks


Makeufeelgood - 08/06/98 14:42:22
My Email:lasse.yssing@anarki.dk

Cooooool site!!!!.....Thanx for all the gestures! hope to se u online!!

Bolan_ - 08/06/98 14:08:52
My Email:Yall know it i think


larry - 08/06/98 03:12:36
My URL:http://www.mgenerations.net/altcoupl
My Email:latcouple@mgenerations.net
How did you find our site?: tour

just got here tell you nextime what i think

Rhonda - 08/06/98 03:11:09
My Email:minnie22@northstate.net
How did you find our site?: tour

Very nice site

shyguy38 - 08/05/98 16:34:00
My Email:bmsr@swbell.net
How did you find our site?: you are friends of mine....lol

hi there just wanted to say you guys are doing a great jod keep up the good work love you guys Randy

Intensivecare - 08/05/98 09:22:02
My Email:james@alaweb.com
How did you find our site?: Ings web page

Thanks for the site, i enjoyed the gest pages and the help page many ppl will be able to use the help page. Theres not many out there like your again thanks. Intensivecare VP

K_ahhs - 08/04/98 19:40:12
My Email:PEARLnPTLS@aol.com
Favorite Link: "Texas" spend most of my time on VP here

Enjoyed your pages immensely. I found some very unique gestures. Some very cute ones too. I love the older songs, like "Splish, Splash". So, I will enjoy playing them. Thanks for all your work and generousity. K_ahhs

stewy & freyya - 08/04/98 18:38:51
My URL:http://frontpage.erie.net/aag/

Hiya April & Honey, Really like your page!!!.... Keep up the good work!!!! Stewy & freyya

angelina_98 - 08/04/98 18:23:11
My Email:angelina@compufort.com

loved the gestures thanks!!!!!!

Lynne Barron - 08/04/98 15:33:35
My Email:meglb@uswest.net
Favorite Link: ?????????

We needed another GOOD gesture page-especially one with songs. Thank you!!

Zero One Cool - 08/03/98 17:12:55
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SiliconValley/Park/5579/
My Email:zeronecool@geocities.com
Favorite Link: http://geocities.datacellar.net/SiliconValley/Park/5579/

I was just in visiting your website. While I was here I thought I would take a moment to sign your guestbook. Nice job here. Really kewl page. Stop over and visit with me when you get a chance.

Marie - 08/01/98 10:54:15
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Pointe/4084
My Email:marie@netpath.net

I came to your page to see your applet--it is beautiful. When I got there I also enjoyed the poem!

My Logo

Um........ I forget. - 07/28/98 03:01:17
My URL:http://donthaveone.com
My Email:ToriHeath@aol.com
Favorite Link: www.donthaveone.com

Ok, I was here..... I read your page...... Happy now???? :-) Tori

CraftyGalore - 07/27/98 02:21:13
My Email:cmiller@keynet.net
Favorite Link: too many to choose from

Excellent explaination of the use of multiple gesture folders. I think now even I can understand it. lol Now if someone could explain the use of winzip in as simple of terms it would be a big help. I am totally lost in this computer world we live in . thanks for creating such great gestures. Will be checking back for more once I figure out the winzip. C.G.

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