Hello! My name is Buffy, and I live in a little place called Altoona, Pennsylvania. I think it's pretty much a town just like any other. It's fairly normal here, and I am just one of the crazy kids that lives in it. I love to have fun, and that is my main goal in my life. If you ask me what I want in life, I won't give you the typical "a house with the picket fence,a husband, kids, and a dog" answer. The only thing I want out of my life is to be happy, and spread it like a disease to everyone around me. I love making an impression on someone that I doesn't know me.

After I obtain that, the rest will come easily. And as of now, I can proudly say that I am doing very well at it. I have a job which I love and am very happy.

This is my spankin new car, '99 Chevy Cavalier Sport. I have saved and worked my butt off to get a new car. As you can see, it's shiny. That's because I wash it practically everyday. lol In the background, you see a red car, that was my old car.

Work in progress, check back again!

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