~*My Happy Home*~

~*Hiya, Welcome to my happy home on the net :) I live in the wonderful state of Tennessee, I am a single mom and before you even ask... Yes, I am a true "Southern Belle" *SS*
I use to do ALOT of support work for a program called PowWow,
but they have now closed. YES, I admit it!!
I am a recovering chataholic (ARE YOU HAPPY DAD???) LOL!!!!
It's there that I have met some of the best friends a person could ever hope to meet! :)

~*Ok, I am no HTML expert.. as a matter of fact this page is my very first ever...(even though I deleted it by mistake and had to re-do it all)..sooooo if I mess up or it takes a while to load (*eg* @ my *sp* Unklscrufy) be VERY VERY patient!! LOL!!! Hope you enjoy your stay here... have fun and come back to see me soon :)*~

~*Click on the graphics to follow the links to the below pages*~

~*To My Daughter*~~*This page I did for the most special person in my life, my sweet daughter Meagan. There is not enough love in the world to express what you mean to me :) I love you with all my heart sweet angel!! *SS*

There is a link here to her page that she made ALLLLLLLLL by herself*~


~*These people here are some of the best friends a person could ever ask for. They are the ones that inspired me to do my own homepage, and I know got really sick of me saying "how do I do this?" "how do I do that?" LOL!! I just want each and every one of you to know how much you mean to me *HUGE HUGS TO YOU ALL* *SS* I am sure not everyone that should be here is on the page.. gimme time to getcha all added ok? Go see their pages, they are wonderful*~

~*These are some of the websites that I like to visit.. Hahahaha... let me fill ya in on a secret.. I had alllllllll these graphics on this first page ALONG with the million still here (yes I love graphics cantcha tell???) So if you think it took this page a long time to load, consider yourself lucky! LOL~ I was told that I was bogging peoples computers down, and being the good lil html student that I am I moved them to their own lil page. Soooooooo, checkem out if ya wanna *SS* *~


~*Awards*~ ~*This is so amazing to me.. my very first homepage getting awards???? I have one question... WHO PAID YOU OFF????? LOL!!!! Thank you to the people that like my site well enough to honor it :) Everybody go see them.. WooooHOOOOOOO*~

~*Drop me a if "yaunt to" *~ :)

~*You are the Counter person to visit my happy home*~ :)

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