Liz's Music Page


Hello everyone. I'm Liz, this is my music site. Anyway I've decided that I'm only going to do a Jewel site. I love The Beatles, they are my favourite band, but I realised to do a good page on them would take way too long and I am just a lazy ass!


My Current Favourite Music

My 50 Fave Musicians


Drinking and partying all the way. Fanshnabulas!!!! Good God I can't wait!!

Well judging from my list of favourite musicians you'll know I'm into all sorts of music. Apart from the above list recently I've been listening to:

Kieran Goss One of the most promising Irish singer/songwriters around today. His new album is "Worse Than Pride" and it is just splendiferous. Check out the song "I Close My Eyes". I'm sure I'm gonna wear a hole in the CD I've been listening to it so much. Brilliant.

The Devlins Because they are quite simply, the best band ever!!! "Waiting" is the most fantastic album I've heard this year. Better than Jewel's and that's saying something!! I saw them last Friday (29th of Nov.) in concert and they were just amazing. Peter, Colin, Sean...YOU RULE!!!!!

The Stereophonics: Coz they're great basically.

Tracy Chapman: One of the first and best female solo artists around. She is just amazing, with songs like "Fast Car", "Revolution" and "Baby, Can I Hold You?" who is going to disagree with me? Amazing stuff!

REM: I just got their new album "Up" and it's simply wonderful. 14 fantastic songs, my fave is "Lotus". Wicked stuff.

Boyzone are releasing a Greatest Hits album. I have just one question......


My Current Fave Songs

The Great Beyond : REM
Go Let It Out: Oasis
Sitting Down Here: Lene Marlin
Mama Told Me Not To Come : Stereophonics and Tom Jones
Pure Shores: All Saints
Moving Too Fast: Artful Dodger
Natural Blues: Moby
Caught Out There: Kelis
Fast As You Can: Fiona Apple
Breathe & Stop: Q-Tip

My fave album this month is St Pepper by The Beatles.
Coz its feckin great, right, and I'll have no arguements about it.

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