Horses 'n More 
Winner Gentlemen driving away from Skip Away in the stretch.

    Favorite Trick wins                   Two year old Horse of the
          going away                              Year, Favorite Trick

Free House winning  the 1997 Swaps Stakes

         Alydar, up close and personal

Formal Gold wins the 1997 Woodward Memorial

Ruffian, going to the post for her next race

Holy Bull, checking out his competition
Man O' War, one of the greatest horses of all times

         Cigar, wins the 1996 Woodward Stakes

 Bold Ruler, one of the leading sires of all times, wins the
1958 Carter at Belmont Park


 Kentucky Derby Winners                Breeder's Cup Classic Winners
 Preakness Stakes Winners               Triple Crown Winners

 Belmont Stakes Winners                    Send Comments to Kristen