Welcome to RedLight GreenLight!

Hey! Welcome, once again, to RedLight GreenLight. This is sort of my "Hi my name is Bob!" website, that has gotten it's name from it's constant stop and go traffic pattern. I have tried to make it as interesting as possible. I hope you enjoy it! There are quite a few places to go within this site and hopefully(depending on my time schedule)there shoud be more soon. This is a highway of peace, tranquility, chaos, and disorder. And anything else you would like it to be.
Summer is almost over :(. I am starting a new school which is semi scary because of coming out of South Bay. On the upside, I'm not moving!!!! YAY!!!

NEW! A new page!!! Isn't it great? ok so here it is available only from the main page (because I was too lazy to make a button) 10 Principles For The 21st Century!!!

"This is my new web page pet."

Do you guys remember that statement?!?! The key word I was trying to emphasize is NEW. Well guess what, it isn't new anymore and I have not recieved ANY suggestions for my little friend's name!!! (Torp suggesting her own name, doesn't count) My poor little friend is sitting there lonely and nameless. I had such great plans for him on this site. But nooo you won't even give him a name so why should I show you all my wonderful conding skills? Hmmmmmm? Please for the love of God think of a name for this little fella. Please e-mail me with your suggestion. The name that wins will be given to my pet and your name will be posted on my page. Please place your suggestions HERE.

Ok, I know my guestbook isn't working. But hey, it's not my fault. You can thank the fine folks at Geocities for this goof. I am just an innocent programmer in the midst of an evil world.