*sigh* I just got around to finding out that Geocities still has this site up..PLEASE give me some support and let me know if you need any mp3s...because i'm bored, and if i can make someone happy, then i wanna do just that!..
*If the filename ends in .zip you'll need to unZip it.

This webpage has not been edited in over 5 years...unfortunately, as of now, I do NOT have the time to do any sorts of editing---please email me with any comments or suggestions you have, because I *DO* want to create a website, but I'm not positive what all I'd like it to incorporate.
311Come Original3.39 Mb******
Another LevelBomb Diggy3.4 Mb*******
Blink 182All The Small Things2.56 Mb******
Dave Matthews BandCrush2.32 Mb****
DMXRuff Ryders Anthem 3.27 mbs*****
KoRnFalling Away From Me3.16 Mb******
Nine Inch NailsWe're In This Together3.74 Mb*******
NirvanaSmells Like Teen Spirit4.95 Mb********
** A quick list of 1113 mp3s I have (just updated) that you can be sure to get...IF you ask nicely