My Testimony
You may think that my life is just perfect when you read my pages on this site. You may think that my life is easy, and always has been. But you know what? It hasn't. It's been hard. But you know what else? It's been a whole lot easier since I have Jesus Christ with me to help me out!
I grew up going to church with my family. When I was little I honestly disliked church. I remember a morning when I didn't want to go to church, but my mom insisted on me going. What made it a little worse was, mom would always dress me and Daniel, my identical twin brother, in the same exact style of clothes! I never really liked that. (Not to get off the subject but... Mom bought us these shirts that said, "If you think I'm cute, then you should see my brother." hehe. It then had a picture of me and Daniel. It must have been funny.) Anyway, I went to church almost every Sunday. I never really got much out of "The Big Church". I usually popped out my Jumbo Coloring Book, and started coloring with my worn down crayons. Sunday School helped me a little. I remember when dad would read us Bible stories, and little verses on these small cards. It wasn't until the night that Daniel asked Jesus into his heart that I guess I gave it some more thought. Should I ask Jesus into my heart? I guess I felt a little pushed, because my brother had. Was it my turn? I felt that this was the right thing to do. I decided to ask Jesus to come and live inside of me before my birthday. So on May 30, 1991 (when I was eight years old) I asked Jesus to come into my heart. I was a little kid. Would I really understand what I was saying when I started to pray? Well, mom and dad took me into their room, and closed the door. They talked to me a little about what I was about to do. Dad started to say the prayer, as I repeated. I remember that I messed up on one part of the prayer. I forgot to say a sentence completely, but continued on anyway. Mom and dad hugged me, and then I left there room. Just as I stepped out of the room, I felt this awesome feeling. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit coming into my heart, or maybe it was just the coldness of the air-conditioner. I believe to this day that it was the Holy Spirit. I feel that God stuck by me, and said that He would not let me get away from Him. I believe He was with me from then on...
Later on we go to this play. "Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames" I believe that is the name. Well, it was an awesome play. Unforgetable! They give an invitation. Bryan, my older brother, asks me and Daniel if we would like to go forward. Daniel stands up. Then somehow I am going down the isle with Daniel. I kinda felt like I got pushed over there with Daniel. I don't know what happened, but I ended up going down there. It wasn't spiritual.
My life strayed from the Lord. I didn't always act like a Christian. My mouth wasn't the best. I then decided that I would stop cursing. I would replace words with words that weren't as bad. I then stopped saying those words, and I no longer had a foul mouth! A little later, I begin doubting my faith in the Lord. Am I really saved? What if I go to hell? Those were some of the questions I asked myself. I began saying the prayer of salvation over and over again. I had to get right with God! I felt empty. I struggle with doubts. I tried to say the prayer with more and more meaning, but the thing was I was saying it with all my heart. I later find out that I was trying to rely on myself to get me to heaven. I was wrong. I must rely on Jesus Christ and what HE DID on the cross. So, I have now trusted in Him and accepted what He did for me. I trust that He will get to me heaven and not myself. I have learned that faith is the key. Faith in God and not in yourself.
I am learning each new day. I now love the Lord, and love going to church. Instead of not wanting to go, I can't stand to miss it. I am not perfect like Jesus. But you know what he has shown me? God doesn't save perfect people. God saves sinners. God has saved me. I know that. I am learning to grow in my faith in Him. God has stayed true to me. When I was a small boy, and He silently promised me that He would always be with me, He kept that promise. I am eternally thankful.
Christians! All you guys... Read your Bible! It is the best thing to do to be "On Fire For The LORD". You stay in tune in His word and follow His commandments, and He will make your paths straight!
When you have sinned against someone you can say this to the person:
1. I am wrong.
2. I am sorry.
3. Please forgive me.
How to pray for other Christians: (From Colossians)
1. Be thankful for their faith and changed lives (1:3 is: Each time we pray for you, we thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.)
2. Ask God to help them know what he wants them to do (1:9 is: ... In fact, we always pray that God will show everything he wants you to do…)
3. Ask God to give them deep spiritual understanding (1:9 is: …and that you may have all the wisdom and understanding that his Spirit gives.)
4. Ask God to help them live for Him. (1:10 is: Then you will live a life that honors the Lord, and will always please him by doing good deeds…)
5. Ask God to give them more knowledge of Himself (1:10 is: …You will come to know God even better.)
6. Ask God to give them strength for endurance (1:11 is His glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything,…)
7. Ask God to fill them with joy, strength, and thankfulness (1:11 …and you will be truly happy.)
How many people in your life could be touched if you sincerely prayed in this way?
I found this in a book. It is really neat. Before telling someone something ask yourself these four questions. If it has the slightest flaw then you will now. This can keep you from judging others.
1. Is it true?
2. Is it hurtful?
3. Is it necessary?
4. Does it glorify God?
Bits Of Wisdom
This is some bits of wisdom that I have learned in my life. I believe these short stories will encourage you greatly.
F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely On God)
Isn't it awesome how God works!? At this part in my life I was going through a very difficult adjustment. It was very hard for me, and I needed a little encouragement. I said a prayer that God would show Himself to me, and also asked for wisdom. During this night I decided to get some ice-cream. I went into our garage to get the ice-cream out of the freezer, when I saw this green frog on the side of the freezer door. It looked like it was glued on the door. Well, I thought it was neat looking, but I didn't think anything else about it. It wasn't until I came back to put the ice-cream back in the freezer, did I realize that God was trying to show Himself to me! This frog was stuck closely (sleeping I believe) to this freezer. I felt that God was just telling me to fully rely on Him. Also, that I should stick to Him just as that frog was stuck to the freezer door. It was great to know that I had an answered prayer, and I didn't leave without thanking the "frog" for its help in my difficult situation. Praise God!
I wonder if the Turtle ever asks God why he has to lug this big shell on him all of the time. Maybe he later figures out that it is uselful whenever larger animals attack it. All he has to do is tuck himself inside his shell, close it up, and he is secure as can be.
We are just like turtles. God's law is the shell. The larger animals is bad things. God's law protects us from bad things! We may think that this "shell" is burdening, but it is to protect us from all of the bad things. The shell is to protect us, and not to burden us. God wants us to see His law (Do not murder, lie, lust, etc.) as protection, and not as a burden. AMEN!
I am an alien! Are you?