Oh, the blue eyes,
The glistening blonde hair
Your beauty makes me tremble
My bleeding heart yearns for your bosom
Your sweet lips need be saved for me
Oh, Wilson’s sister…
OH, Wilson’s sister…
Why, OH why can we not be together?
You make me feel like a man
I would like to flow through you like a boat through the oceans
Your stormy waves cannot keep me from your pleasant harbor
Let me dock upon your shore
Oh, Wilson’s sister…
OH, Wilson’s sister…
Your astounding exquisiteness
Keeps me awake at night
Our unpleasant fate keeps us apart
But why? Why must I torture myself so rigidly?
Like a bird flying freely though the air,
My love need not be caged.
Is thy nest for thou art alone?
OH, Erin…
I love you most dearly
Let us run off together…
And we may prance though the shimmering wheat fields,
Holding hands, as lovers do,
The sun shall set on that day, but never upon our love
not wilsons sisters ass... but i thought it kinda fit the context anyway...