Make sure to include
your Nokia Handy Phone model (To give me an idea which version
to send. Each models have their own memory capacity and if I
send the wrong one
you will not receive the tone).
Include your phone
no. (For tones that I'm not willing to send the file, I'll send it through
Please take note,
with the volume of emails I get everyday, it's impossible for me to
grant all the requests. For those whose request will not be
answered, all I can say is
c",) For
those who are asking for the files of my ring tones, sorry but I don't
send or give my
files.....but "maybe" if you give me a good offer, I'll
think about it.
Pray that the
decrease of free text messages of the TeleCommunication companies
won't push through.....if it does, I will definitely stop sending FREE