F.F.VII Domain
Grab this code below if you don't want to type it
<a href="http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Surf/1518">
<img src="http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Surf/1518/ban.jpg"></a> My friend Laura's site: 活泼,可爱,绝对值得一看!
My friend Annie's site: 百花谷(GB)HTML新手之作
Jay's site: The Unsinkable Ship of DreamsIt's dedicated to Titanic the movie
under construction... choice1 choice1
Sites written in English
Serpent's Anime Music Collection a pretty big collection Harold's Dragonball site I took most of the images from him =) NeuralFrauds Anime page Another collection-site Anime Pitstop It's a Search Engine for Anime sites! The Neo NGE WebPage An awesome NGE collection site! Intensified Neon Genesis Evangelion "GEEZE..." Evangelion Fan Hompage A site for NGE Fans! Contain FanFic and FanPics W VISION Get Shockwave, RealPlayer, and then Enjoy! (Fushigi Yuugi) Weizheng's Homepages A Good page, include HTML helps
Outpost 72 For Star Trek lovers
The Elysium
Are you a Titanic Fan?...
FreewareNow.com ...
Brett & Jim's The Top site of the 100 FF7 Webring Choices Search Engines:
Sites written in Chinese
之免费资源第一站the best free resource site 超级!无法用言语来表达。。。 鼠洞 有好多中文书,中文报。 全景中文图书 小说大全 文学城 更多中文小说。。。 老六游戏屋
众多游戏秘籍和攻略! 至上音乐城 一大堆流行歌曲,包括《东京爱情故事》 Neon Genesis Evangelion 《福音战士》中文介绍。简单 风云阁 武侠迷不得错过! Hui&Xing's Anime World 收集Anime图片 TVB Online 香港影视 学习HTML:
仙剑奇侠传: 气势非凡! 金庸群侠传 玩过吗? 海蚂蚁游戏世界 不用再多解释了吧? 金庸武侠电视影片曲 (得花点时间等) 波比之闲人世界 1000多首旧歌,都是他自己录制的 神雕侠侣主页 漫画版的 网上城市