ChLoE's PaLaCe

As you can read from above, WELCOME! This here is my little world...just about stuff I friends and family, ect...So, enjoy!

For those of you who don't know me, my real name is Colleen Amundson I am currently 20...I'll be 21 on October 3rd!!!!! I've started the countdown! =) Christy , who's 23, and is married to Derrick. I also have a younger brother, Carl, who's 17.

Here is our recent picture!!

I love to listen to music... anything but country...

I also love to write poems are some that I have written!

My favorite colors are neon green and silver.

My dream car is also a silver, or green VW Beetle!!!

But guess what?? I now own a neon orange '72 Superbeetle !!!! I also have a '74 VW Bettle, but a friend and I rolled it four times, so now it's a little squished.

Did I ever tell you I wanted to be an artist???? I LOVE to draw!! I'm actually attending the University of South Dakota right now, and am majoring in art.

SpAz'S sPoT
MaRnIe Jo'S kInGdOm
BlUe 2'S pAgE
MiKe MaCkEy'S cOrNeR
JoSh'S sPiFfY pAgE
ErIc'S pAgE
SiMo'S wOrlD
Ty'S gEtAwAy
ZaCh & ScOtT's KoOl PlAcE
RaNo'S bAnD'S pAgE

© 1997

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Summer Vacations

Colleen's Summer Vacations!

Simon & Garfunkel Kansas City


As usual, my summer was as boring as ever. But, I did have two big highlights. My favorite event of the summer was going to a Simon and Garfunkel concert. Then, a couple weeks later I went on a family vacation to Kansas City. There were so many things to do there that we didn’t have time to go everywhere we wanted!


Simon & Garfunkel

Simon and Garfunkel

Simon and Garfunkel are one of the most popular musicians of the 1960’s and 70’s. I was lucky enough to see them live in concert at the Qwest Center in Omaha, NE. More...

Baseball & Museum

Kansas City

There are so many different things to do in Kansas City. You could stay there for weeks and never be bored! I went to a Royals baseball game, the Nelson-Atkins Museum, Harley Davidson, and Worlds of Fun! More...