Nova Mini-Shrine
Nova Mini-Shrine and Gallery

More Gallery Than Shrine, But Oh, Well...
Magic Knight RayEarth
Magic Knight RayEarth Mini-Shrine

The Best Show On Earth!
Gallery Of Kisses
Gallery Of Kisses

My Collection Of
Anime-People-Kissing Pictures
Some Kewl MIDIs
My Favorite MIDIs

...Most Of Them Are

Welcome To Luna's Gallery!

The Time Is The SailorMoon S Movie...

The world is being invaded by ice dancers and their lovely but formidable ice queen, which is only a minor issue when one condisers the fact that a gargantuan ice comet is blazing toward Earth and it's inhabitants at an eye-watering speed! Then, out of the abyss of night, emerges the pretty soldier SailorMoon and her comrades. Together, they will fight the fridgid evil that threatens Earth, with the power of the ginzuishou. And as SailorMoon and her sailor comrades battle the ice queen and her dazzling dancers, Luna is frantically searching the city for a man she has fallen in love with. He is a man who believes that there was, at one time, a civilization on the moon, and there is a moon princess... Kaguya Hime, is her name. But no one, not even the woman he loves will believe this silly fairy tale. No one, save Luna, who knows of the Moon Kingdom and it's ancient realm. And she is searching for him, for she loves him... his name is Kakeru... but alas, she is only a cat and she can neither talk nor fall in love. Then, as SailorMoon uses her ginzuishou to defeat the icy evil, she thinks of Luna, who would live in a world, even a doomed world, for the mere prospect of love. The zuishou glowing, SailorMoon holds it aloft, piercing the darkest night.

"Please, for tonight only..." Cries SailorMoon to the crystal itself, "Turn Luna... turn Luna into a human! Grant her wish!"

And then the feline, who is crouching in the snow next to the man whom she loves -for he has fallen- rises into the air, glimmering and sparkeling.

She turns in the air, her small frame morphing into that suiting a beautiful human girl. All too soon she is hovering, azure-eyed and raven-haired, a yellow dress fanned out about her knees, and breathless. Kakeru glances up then, from his place on the snow.

"Who are you?" He breathes, awed.

"Kaguya Hime (Princess Kaguya)" issues a human Luna.

This is Luna's Gallery (containing pictures of her in the form of a human being, that is...) Hint: Click the thumbnails for best results

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me! I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

I'm a thumbnail! Click me!

E-mail me, Jenna, at and bitch at me or something, cuz I like e-mail ^-^.