Showboat9s Place

We live in South Texas not far from the Gulf Coast. We love to fish and be near the water. I enjoy on line online cards and games. Im an insurance adjustor and Fritz is a welder. Hope you enjoy your visit with us.

This is me with a Speckeled Trout. It's my personal best at 26 1/2 inches. What a thrill!
This is my friend and husband Fritz. My Fritz passed away Nov. 7, 2003. I miss him!
This is Fritz and his Trout. His personal best is 24 1/2 inches and I keep reminding him of that fact!
My Red fish!
My Sea Turtle!!!Of course we threw him back as soon as the picture was taken
These are our sons. Cowboy Shooter Here's some pic's from about 5-6 miles off shore.
King Mackerel are fun to catch and great to eat
This is a Ling (Cobia) that had to be thrown back because it's to small.
Small shark but a heck of a fight!

Links to other sites on the Web

Capt. Beck's Guide Service
Ed's Discount Tackle - Sinton, Texas
Race Horses - Texas Style - John Hinton
Zach's Fishing Pages

We are happy you visited us and hope you will come back again. Bye-bye! SignGuestbook View Guestbook

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