Welcome to De & Mark's Excellent Adventure Guestbook!

Trisha Mayer - 04/16/00 14:56:30
Where did you last vacation?: vermont
What is your fave vacation spot?: none
Suggest a place to visit?: nyc
What type of music do you enjoy?: rock
What's your favorite U.S. city?: none
The souvenirs collage is cool!

Shaina - 03/03/00 13:55:15
Where did you last vacation?: texas
What is your fave vacation spot?: none
What type of music do you enjoy?: rock, country
What's your favorite U.S. city?: none
the grand canyon looks real nice

10/02/99 09:16:09
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Testing - 08/28/99 02:00:38
My Email:test
Where did you last vacation?: test
Testing, testing, testing

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