To my Awards Page.
I would like to thank each of these people for taking the time to veiw my web site and presenting me with there awards. Thank You very much. For year 1998
This is my very first award Thank You Christy M.
My second award Thank You Stacie's Designs.
Your site has been chosen to receive the True Style Award. We were impressed with the work you put into your site.
My third award Thank You Jon Osbeck.
Congratulations on your site! Your site has been
awarded the .Cool Reality Award. This award is given
to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a
cool sense of being about it.
My forth award Thank You Quatec Design.
Your site was reviewed for originality,
usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our internet
community. Job well done!
My fifth award Thank You Deloris Mathes.
The Touch Of Love Safe Site Award is not given lightly and each page is reviewed for content. You may not see this award often due to the fact it is not a gift to be passed out but a true award for a job well done.
My sixth award Thank You Bill Darling.
Congratulations!! Your site definitely qualifies
for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good
design, beautiful original graphics, and your content
is informative, presented well and easy to access. A
worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.
Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting,
fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my
visit to your site and will return again when time permits :)
My seventh award Thank You Lelana Cybergal.
My eighth award Thank You market-Tek.
Congratulations! After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present you with the Market-Tek Design Award!
In reviewing sites for our award we look at content, graphics, the purpose of the page, and the experience of the writer.
My ninth award Thank You SNIN
Congratulations! you have won the
"The SNIN Nominee Award."
After an extensive review of your site by our awards committee we found it to be creative and full of content. Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing !
Overall we believe it belongs in our list of award nominee winners. Your site only
enhances the originality of our internet community.
I hope this encourages you to keep up the great work.
My tenth award Thank You Eric Nielsen,
Nielsen Web Sites & Business Graphics
You have won the Bronze Award!
I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will too.
My eleventh award Thank You Christy M.
YoU'vE w0n Amethyst's HoMePaGe AwArd!ˇ!
My twelvth Award Thank you Debi.
I visited your site once before and I'm back again, this time with a gift. Display it proudly for you have much to be proud of *smiles*
My thirteenth Award Thank You Ravi.
I would like to congratulate you and your site. This award is one of the most difficult to win. It is for that reason that it is seen very infrequently. But unlike most of the applicants, your site was a winner.It is to signify that your site has been judged to contain quality
content, design and HTML expertise. By displaying the award on your site, you are notifying your visitors that your site is among the best of the Web. For only the best have a chance to win such a
prestigious award.