Created 8/99

8/21/99 - Saturday
I finally got around to creating this.....Ive been thinking about it for quite some time......A private forum where I can log personal events of signifigance in my life. Liza is working overtime today. I will be working overtime tomorrow night. Some highlights of the past few days: Ive redesigned my web page to include this section,We recently returned from vacation to Minesota,Reno; Our new truck & 5th wheel which we purchased in March did fine. Came home after work yesterday after picking up the boys, slept, went and got papa murphys pizza for dinner, Used my new weedeater on the shop side of the house.(was pretty tall) Im thinking about doing some more yard work today, since the BBQ that we were going to attend over @ Mike & Suzanne Lucey's house has been cancelled. Scott may be spending the night with a friend. Our 401k accts are worth about $98k, and our TRP acct is worth $1180. the s&p closed @ 1336.61. djia is 11100. Just finished talking to liza's cousin Jacki on ICQ. she is in Glen Ulin, ND. We ended up cruisin around downtown portland, and ended up having a drink at the wooden chicken pub.
- Tuesday, August 24,1999 -
Well, its 7:30 am, and I just got home from work. I was running the 50-60 B's with Beal. It was a pretty easy night. I turned on the TV to see what happens in the financial markets today. The FED is expected to raise short term interest rates today, up to 5 1/4%.Its 5 now. The markets are all down in anticipation of the rate increase. I just checked our 401k accts, and they are @ $99K. I still have about $72K of it in the GIC. I think the markets are going to go south soon....but ya never know. I feel that Im doing the right thing. Ill just keep a good chunk of capital on the sidelines during this volitile period, which should last through the end of the year. I should try to get to bed so that I can get up early to mow the lawn. Liza says it supposed to rain tommorow. I also need to take that check over to Novus for the windshield repair on the new truck.
