Yorkshire Terriers are notorious for taking control of their owners. They teach them how THEY want things done. To say they tend to be bossy is putting it mildly. They know they are cute and will try to get their way. They will also follow you from room to room and are truly convinced that you cannot accomplish anything without them.
Meet my 7 1/2 pound tyrant.
Poco Bocelli Sunshine
I sleep when I want to - play when I want to (which is almost all the time) and put my ears up when I want to...obviously not in any of these pictures. Usually just when I'm barking and demanding something.
Did I mention I sleep how and where I want to?
Lassie is my favorite TV program
Mom! How could you possibly go anywhere without ME???
This is me when I used to keep my ears up
I'm pretty rough on my toys. I keep Mom busy sewing them back together.
Before you go, let me introduce you to some of my ancestors