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KittyDoggy's Homepage

Welcome to page two. If you have come thus far on your web browser, explore a bit.

This directory of my homepage was last updated -December 15, 2003.

About me

I am a 25-year-old male who attended Southwest Baptist University (SBU)for my freshman year. I returned in the Fall of 2001 and am now graduating!! I declared my Majors for Spanish and Psychology and hope that I listened well to God's instruction in doing so and will continue to until I die. I like to read fiction and write poetry. I am currently trying to write two stories that I started in 1998 and still hope to have them finished soon (or eventually, which ever comes first.) :O) I also enjoy being on the internet (As if you couldn't tell.) I have had this page for close to five years or so, of course it is getting better as I learn more html... If you would like to get a hold of me, take a scroll down the page.

Updates to This Directory

I have updated my mailing address in case you all want to write me! BTW, If I don't know who you are and you want to write to me, just email me and I will chat with you.

-Kitty Doggy

How To Get a Hold of Me!

E-mail addresses

My Address While In School

202 W. College, APT 3
Bolivar, MO 65613