Hi! My name is Heather and this page was created so that you can know a little bit about me.

First, obviously Im Heather. I am currently 17 and living it as a normal teenager with a job, school, friends and a computer (by luck).

I have a boyfriend named Steven. He is a few months older than me and we have been friends since 9th grade(3yrs). He asked me out on Valentines Day and on May 14th it will be 3 months that we have been going out. :o) It just so happens that my father is having a knee surgery on that day!! Also my parents wedding anniversary is Valentines Day! I certainly have a lot to remember that day dont I? Anyways enough about on to find out more....

I have had this page for a while but have just now started really modifying it to my tastes. I am willing to talk to anyone as long as I am not busy.

I have 3 Cats, Fuzzy, Wiskey, and Gizzy (like the gremlin--Gizmo). I am currently living in Atlanta.

Basically I am just living life one day at a time. So that was my current life going-ons, maybe I will put up a page about my family or something. I would have to get their consent first but I just might. Have a good time checking out my web page. Cya Later.

Email me if you want

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