If U can't figure out what U R supposed to do next, then maybe U shouldn't be using your computer. Oops, do I sound grumpy? My bad, I hope I don't scare U away.

parns - 12/14/00 00:30:46

alright all you posers, first i want you all know that skiing is harder then skiing, then snowboarding i know because i have skied and snowboard since i was 2 (no joke either) alright so quite your bitching cause all real makavelies know it true. Ps if i see one more damn snowboarder sit on the ski hill i will go local i you want to do that then by a fricken lawn chair and sit on the hill. i know way to mean people that by kick ass equipment then just sit in the damn hill. so lets all learn how to snow board al RIGHt!!!! Catch you all on da flp side, Word peace parns

Megs - 11/24/00 04:35:24
My Email:you know it

Hey J! It's been awhile. Just remembered that my ancient site had a link to yours, so I decided to see if it was still here. All these people that have signed your book are assholes. Skiing is way harder than snowboarding (i should know doing both for 13 years) and all of them need to get a life. Hope to talk to you soon. (If you even read this...) It's been about 6 months since I've read my g. book so I won't feel bad. HASTA!!

Chips - 09/23/00 15:37:38
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/deftones5k
My Email:deftones5k@yahoo.com

I just think you should know SKIING SUCKS and SNOWBOARDING KICKS ASS. just thought you should know.

Bob the Magic Dwarf - 09/07/00 02:06:16

Don't you hate it when morons like these other people sign your book? Postivie feedback is cool and all, but don't people have better things to do than sit and bitch about how suck ass a site is? Well, skiing kicks so much ass it's immeasurable, so just f r that you rule. Your music is... well it's not great. But still, you got a cool page, and you shouldn't let retarded assholes like the ones that sign your (and my;-) guestbook... They couldn't put together a shit-worthy site if both their nuts (or female body part) depended on it. It's envy man, nothing more. Keep it real man. SKI TO LIVE, LIVE TO SKI!

Mike Hunt - 09/04/00 01:50:09
My URL:http://www.blowme.com
My Email:youfuckass@youfuckass.com

Do you have nothing better to do with your time than put up some shit web page with NO snowboarding pics? Get a fucking life loser! What's with the guitar? Did that guy put gis hand in your ass or something?

rony - 08/05/00 18:08:22


jobu - 07/06/00 19:27:14
My Email:www.juice8268@yahoo.com

this site is strange in many ways also my name is justin not jobu

Johnaton Davis - 06/27/00 17:43:09

Nice page man not really haha

mike - 06/07/00 20:28:22
My Email:sljkfhwerjg lfdjlkdsa:Cv@#hayyoo.co0m

o it tore you up fool

landon strine - 05/07/00 01:31:08
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/landonavich
My Email:landonavich@yahoo.com

I like your page. I aam just signing this because I want people to sign my gestbook. Take a look at my page. I think you will like it.

shayla hayward - 05/04/00 15:18:13


tough shit - 02/21/00 06:58:37
My URL:http://fuckyou@eatmyass.com
My Email:blow me

your page blows

- 02/18/00 21:17:01


Megan - 01/31/00 16:52:53

way cool page but get some more pics!!!!!!! like the ones you have now cuz they kick @$$!!!!!!!!!

- 01/12/00 19:26:31


Funky Monkey - 10/20/99 02:57:22
My URL:http://None of your buisness!
My Email:Not telling you!

Get some snowboarding stuff on this site cuz snowboarding kicks @$$! One peice of advice for everybody out there......Never lick the pole on a ski lift. Oh yeah one more don't spit into the wind :o)

10/03/99 09:19:24
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Ted the combustable rat - 08/27/99 09:14:25
My Email:www@www.com

Not many people think a rat can ski but I'll prove them wrong at the games you can count on that. Incidentally if someone could please send some info on fire retardant skiis I'd be much obliged. Thanks. TED

ZENON SHARKO - 08/15/99 00:32:03
My Email:zen@niagara.com


ZENON SHARKO - 08/15/99 00:30:51
My Email:zen@niagara.com


Kay2FatBob-Snowboarder - 06/19/99 20:43:50
My Email:I'm sure you'd all like to know now wouldn't you

That's SUPPOSED to say that SHOE is really ugly! But hey we all make mistakes sometimes. Like you made a mistake by making this website I seriously think you should get a life. And belive-you-me a music collection is BETTER without the spice girls you NEED to be listening to some cool shit like Rammstein, Orgy, Limp Bizkit, Blink 182, Snot, and anything else that's good. YOU SUCK AND SO DOES YOUR PAGE. aMaYa

Kay2FatBob-Snowboarder - 06/19/99 20:32:40

I think this is one of the worst, if not THE worst sites in the world. Do you actually think anyone cares what gay music you own?? If you want this to be a cool site change it to a snowboarding site. I guarantee you'll get more people. Oh! And that sh we is so ugly. Amaya

josh - 06/07/99 04:54:32
My Email:jwe21@hotmail.com

I liked your site

Dustin Wilson - 05/25/99 22:14:20
My Email:Trek0009@aol.com

cool site

heidi - 04/20/99 13:46:14
My Email:heidi_skittles@hotmail.com

hey, everyone, how's it going? well, i thought i'd judt drop a line, to all the people that love skiing, and snowboarding. talk later

mega lega - 04/13/99 22:54:12
My Email:u know it

Hey there chica! Just went and looked at my guest book.. it's been a long time. Can't wait to see you this summer.

Seenbdeen - 03/10/99 21:38:43

nice page

korky - 02/26/99 04:14:57

look mom i can do a i can do a double backflip

Jenn - 02/06/99 14:12:26
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Island/9477/
My Email:Jenn12581@aol.com

Hey! Cute page, Visit mine!

GET A NEW PAGE! - 01/17/99 20:45:15

Get a freakin real page! SNOWBOARDIN KICKS ASS SKIING SUCKS ASS!~!~!~~~@!!@!@!#%%^^#%#

- 01/17/99 04:26:03


The Tank - 11/16/98 02:49:25
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Surf/2570/
My Email:trutankdogg@geocities.com

Cool page. I am also a ski lover, not too many left out there but it will always be the best. I also live for my music, I would pretty much die without it (just kidding) but it would suck to be without it, if you know what I mean.

Korky - 11/08/98 20:20:57
My URL:http://.suck it
My Email:bite me

your page sucks my grandma

korky - 11/08/98 20:10:06
My URL:http://.suck it
My Email:ghhfghjgg

your page sucks . you should have more snowboarding pics. oh one last thing you suck whoever made this page and skiing sucks my dogs whang

Korky - 11/08/98 19:59:45
My URL:http://.suck it
My Email:bite me

your sucks

Nate Herr - 11/08/98 05:28:59
My Email:teamlexus@juno.com

Hey! Skiing is the best in the world. Ski Utah!!! (That's where I live) Rock on! Awesome site. P.S. Get more ski pics

SAans MarTiNI - 10/26/98 04:25:18
My Email:skieers suck

skiers suck balls i h8 them all die die pussy posers

derek - 10/14/98 22:10:09
My Email:virtualtick38@hotmail.com

Its not to bad of a site but I would like to se more snoboarding and skiing pics. I live for the pics. gimme some good ones!

GRAEME - 09/24/98 04:18:29


Mike - 09/14/98 03:08:23
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Surf/4380/
My Email:ags_95@hotmail.com

Hello fellow SouthBeach/Surf webring neighboor. I just wanted to take a moment to thank for stopping by my homepage and signing the guestbook. Your site looks great and I like the poems and ski pics. Feel free to drop by my part of the woods at any tim . Check ya later.

Cindy - 09/11/98 15:58:14
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: I like this page.... mine has just been updated :-) Thanks, Cindy

Mega - 08/01/98 03:41:45
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Palms/8352/
My Email:mama_long_legs@hotmail.com

Hey there Juan, ya put it back on.

FREDDiE - 05/17/98 01:15:42
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/Yosemite/5306
My Email:freeriderfreddie@hotmail.com

Please go see the page!!

steev - 04/30/98 07:11:00

your page is um really really good.......nah that would be lieing abit its SHIT!!!!!!!

Lacey Woods - 04/29/98 17:31:30
My URL:http://don't know it:)
My Email:lwoods@yahoo.com

Hi, I was just checking out different web page ideas because I'm making one myself. Thanks for the ideas:) I'll come back another time in case you change something.

Jake - 04/17/98 20:54:43
My URL:http://geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Studio/9389/
My Email:tion2000@hotmail.com

Hey, if your page is dedicated to music then where's the link to the TION homepage? You got some explaining to do. We're talkin' the only freelance in your school and you don't even link it up. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "Support Your Local Musicia "? If your a viewer of this page check out the TION homepage listed above and support Alaskan teenagers struggling to be recognized in an rural Alaskan island town. I'll warn you though that TION is a metal band, and we don't recycle aluminom. Keep jammi ' SPAM!!

Mel - 04/17/98 17:38:32
My Email:mlm35@hotmail.com

Hey J!!! You rule, cool page!

Diego - 04/10/98 12:53:13
My Email:creativespeakers@yahoo.com

Dear friend, I found myself surfing through your home page and just wanted to let you know itīs way COOL! See ya and keep up the good work.

Tim "Fine-Ass" McCreary - 03/31/98 21:01:52
My URL:a little too hot.com

Wow J, you are the coolest Chica in the world.. Can't wait to see you this summer.

Rebecca - 03/28/98 02:32:34
My Email:maryjane420@mailcity.com

hi, i was kinda bored and i found your page and i clicked on the link to see what it was and it was pretty cool so i thought i'd sign the book. bye for now. i'll be back

Huh? - 03/27/98 18:35:23
My URL:http://Huh?.com
My Email:Huh?@Huh?.com

Isn't this the cheese website?

Jockey Strap - 03/26/98 17:26:20
My URL:http://Down the hole
My Email:this_address_sux_big_time@donut.com

Wow cool web page. Try to write me if you get the chance.

Don Jaun - 03/18/98 20:40:46
My URL:http://im2sexy4thisSite.com
My Email:im2sexy4thisAddress@hotmail.com

Will U marry me? Please! I will die without U! We are destined to be together!

Kinza - 03/18/98 18:17:36
My URL:http://hi, um, I dunno it...
My Email:sleepykinza@hotmail.com

Well, um, this is a bit sofisticated and approxamentally it asumes to be a swell place. Yes, I like the anittations you made... good.... very nice aroperas. I think the matisbigies are good too. Yes.... Hehehe......... Cool page Janeen, I was juss trippin ya. :) C Q lata!

Kinza - 03/18/98 18:17:24
My URL:http://hi, um, I dunno it...
My Email:sleepykinza@hotmail.com

Well, um, this is a bit sofisticated and approxamentally it asumes to be a swell place. Yes, I like the anittations you made... good.... very nice aroperas. I think the matisbigies are good too. Yes.... Hehehe......... Cool page Janen, I was juss trippin ya. :) C Q lata!

Sandy Durmont - 03/18/98 18:02:08
My URL:You only wish!
My Email:everyone_poops@hotmail.com

Wow. Just want to say one thing. Everyone poops, so I don't know why people get embarressed and stuff. Otherwise good page. Makes me feel really welcome.

Sandy Durmont - 03/18/98 18:01:56
My URL:You only wish!
My Email:everyone_poops@hotmail.com

Wow. Just want to say one thing. Everyone poops, so I don't know why people get embarressed and stuff. Otherwise good page.

Megan - 03/18/98 03:59:58
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/SouthBeach/Palms/8352/
My Email:megalite@hotmail.com

Wow! This is the coolest page of my 15 years, 24 days, 12 hours, 45 minutes, 23 seconds of my life. Can I please come again? I really like it...keep up the great work:)

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