Lawrence's Picture Page



Hello there, and welcome to this, my picture page. As you've probably
noticed, there's little to none of the flash trimmings you usually find on
your average website, but you'll find various pics (along with a brief
narrative accompanying them) that I've taken at various places in and
around London during the last few years or so. Here's a list of items
you'll find here for you to peek at on the site:



MI7 1st Anniversary Bash - A top night of music and
 partying in Tottenham, N. London (on site - 14/12/06).

Martha Tilston At The Scala - A lovely evening of whimsical
 folksiness down in deepest King's Cross (on site - 07/12/06).


The Dears At The Astoria - Superior indie from Canada alongside
 supporting alt-rock legends The House Of House (on site - 07/12/06).


Big Green Gathering - Photos taken at one of the best festivals that I've
been to, deep in the heart of Wiltshire and Somerset (on site - 09/12/05).


Bonfire Night Party at St. George's - An evening of spontaneous 
activities down in Tufnell Park, N.London (on site - 29/10/05).


Open Mike Night at St. George's - A quality night's worth of
alternative entertainment in a (formerly) squatted church
down in Tufnell Park, N. London (on site - 16/10/05).


'Parallel YOUniversity' at St. George's - Poetry, incantations, music
and other stuff down in Tufnell Park, N. London (on site - 09/10/05)


The Shock of the Nouveau - Early-80's nostalgia
night down in Camden (on site - 29/09/05)


'Make Love, Not War' at St. George's - Music & poetry
a squatted church in Tufnell Park (on site - 28/09/05)


Rejuvenation Night at St. George's - Some snaps I took with
a badly sprained ankle + walking stick (on site -28/09/05)


Small World Spring Gathering - More goings-on
down Headcorn way in May '05
(on site - 10/07/05).


MoMo at Ocean - Top-notch middle-eastern sounds in an old
library-turned music venue in Hackney
on site - 10/07/05).


Stonehenge Summer Solstice - More than a few (I hope) 
mildly iconic pics taken by yours truly whilst in
Wiltshire ( pics on site - 30/06/05). 


Fruitstock 2004 - Sun, samba, ice cream vans covered in grass,
mild debauchery in a dance tent. Some of the things I saw
and did one Sunday in Regent's Park
( on site - 18/10/04).


Kingston Green Fair - Pics of a v.lovely Bank Holiday festy to be found at a picturesque spot of London (on site - 16/10/04).

Small World Easter Extravaganza - Music, juggling, clowns and
'nuff ravers contributing to a fun night out at a squat party in
Hackney, E.London
(on site - 15/10/04).


Small World Summer Festival - Late summer happenings at a
lovely event held in Headcorn, Kent (on site - 15/10/04).

'WOMAD 2001' - Photos taken during a weekend spent
at the world music festival down in Reading (on site - 23/02/03).


'Reclaim The Future' - Various alternative goings-on in North & South London (on site - 21/02/03).

Brighton Peace Festival - Performances to brighten up a grey
Sunday spent down on the South Coast (on site - 21/02/03).


Big Green Gathering - Photos taken at one of the best festivals that I've
been to, deep in the heart of Wiltshire and Somerset (on site - 30/01/03).


Temporary Autonomous Art - Art, experimental films, poetry and
music in abandoned buildings in Central London (on site - 11/12/02).


'Sacredelic Elevation' - Photos I took at a rave in an old church
that was squatted at in the time in Swiss Cottage, N.W. London, by the
I.D. Spiral crew, amongst others, back in May '01 (on site - 3/11/02).


"What Jubilee?" - Photos that I took down in Brighton on a hot Sunday
in June '02, while attempting to flee all of the nonsense surrounding the "greatest Bank Holiday weekend in history" - yawn! (on site - 3/11/02).

'The Multidimensional Galactic Activation' - Rave, dance,
painting, meditation (and walking up far too many flights
of stairs than I'd want to know!) in some vacant office
building near London Bridge, from Saturday night to
morning in mid-Feb '02 (on site - 24/03/02).

The 'Sunday Mellow-Out' at Subterrania - Pics of some top-notch
alternative cabaret over in Labroke Grove (on site - 15/09/02).

Post 'Mellow-Out' Rave Bonfire - Photos taken during the wee small hours at a rave off the Lea Bridge Road v.early (too early, looking back!) on Bank Holiday Monday during Easter '02 (on site - 15/09/02).

'Come Down & Meet The Folks' - Good rockin' (plus a guest appearance by an early-80's pop icon) down at 'The Golden Lion' in Camden, N.London just before Xmas '01 (on site - 3/02/02).

Anti-War Protest In Trafalgar Square - Pics I took when considerably
more than 15,000 demonstrators voiced their resistance in the centre
of London against the so-called "war against terrorism" carried out
"not in my name" (on site - 03/12/01).

Kilburn Festival - Dub, folky trance and belly dancing. Just
a few of the delights I found somewhere in N.W. London
one Sunday in July '01 (on site - 03/12/01).

'The Festy With No Name' - Pics I took at an event that I only just
found out about at v.short notice, down on London Fields, Hackney,
one Saturday evening in May '01 (on site - 03/12/01).

A Mudfest On Brockwell Park - Rain, mud, music, bumping into
some folks I know and other things you do down in Brixton,
South London, June '01 (on site - 21/10/01).

Brockwell Park Cannabis Rally 2002 - Good music, quirky dancing,
clocking familiar faces and seeing a "spliffy fairy" walking around
the park on stilts. A selection of pics of the things I saw and did over
 in Brixton, S.London back in May '02 (on site - 15/09/02).


Echobelly At ULU - Some pics I took of an underrated
(but much appreciated) indie band in concert at the
Of London Union (on site - 21/10/01).

Critical Mass - Various pics taken at the Central London
CM cycle demo on the last Friday of the month.

Festival of Global Rights - Pics of a friend and stuff at a free rave/concert
 that took place at Hackney Marshes, East London, July '98.


Reclaim The Streets! - Some of the events I witnessed on June 18th,
1999 when London's financial centre was brought to a standstill,
the cops were made to look v.silly (on site - 14/11/99).

"The Charlie Dimmock Experience" - Pics of May Day 2000's
"guerilla gardening", and other things down on and around
Parliament Square with Reclaim The Streets (on site - 27/12/00).

"(Mild) Panic On The Streets Of London" - Pics that were taken
during the MayDay 2001 anti-capitalist demos, when London's
streets became a giant Monopoly board for the day (on site - 31/05/01).

"The Den Of Enlightenment" - Performance, raving, poetry,
plus a little bit of decadence thrown in for good measure.
A few snaps I got at an event I was at down in
Camberwell, S.London (on site - 31/05/01).

"Hubble Bubble in Highbury" - Belly dancers, trapeze artists and other performers at the Union Chapel in Islington, London (on site - 21/10/01).

Millennium Eve Party at The Swanfleet Centre - Pics taken at a lovely
do I was invited to by a good friend of mine (on site - 23/01/01).

Save Our World Festival - Pictures I took of the things I
saw in Brockwell Park, Brixton, S.London one lovely
sunny Sunday in June '00. (on site - 20/08/00).

Chalton Street Festival - Pics taken at short notice
down at a festy down Euston way one balmy Saturday
evening in July '00 (on site - 08/10/00).

Hackney Volcano - Music, colour, dancing, and various other things happening on Hackney Marshes, E.London (Four  pages of
pics fron the 2001 event just added. On site - 17/10/01).

The Alernative Queen Mother's Birthday Bash - Mildly treasonous
pics taken during an event staged down Hackney, E.London as an
alternative to the celebrations for the "nation's favourite granny"
finally hitting her ton on August 4th '00 (on site - 20/08/00).

Return To The Source - A few pics taken back in October '00
at a popular trance/hardcore rave held every now and then at the
Brixton Academy, down in S.London (on site - 18/11/00).

Mad Pride! Festival - Pogoing, good-humoured pandemonium
and v. loud music! Pictures of the things I saw in Clissold Park,
Stoke Newington on July 15th '00 (on site - 25/07/00).

Charteris Road Street Festival - A poignant evening spent at a local
festival in my soon-to-be old neighbourhood (on site - 14/11/99).

"Alien Invasion In The Neighbourhood" - Photos I took of a
craft session at a local community centre
back in June '99 (on site - 01/05/00)

'Wild Things' Craft Session - Some pictures that I took at the first of numerous crafts and storytelling sessions that happened at La
Carroll community centre London on Thursday
afternoons during the summer of '99 (on site - 31/05/01).

Reading Safari Prizegiving - Pics taken at a local
 community centre, when prizes were handed out to

the best young readers in the neighbourhood (on site - 22/11/99).

Easter Egg-travaganza In The Community - More photos
I took of another craft session. This one occurred on
Maundy Thursday '00 (on site - 17/05/00).

Olympic Team Quiz - Some pictures taken late in July '00 during the
first of the holiday events held at a local community centre that were
part of local summer activities (on site - 07/11/00).

Olympic Treasure Hunt - More pictures taken early in August '00
during the second of the holiday events occurring at Lewis Carroll
library, as part of local summer activities (on site - 27/12/00).

Health & Safety Session for Parents & Children - Some snaps taken
when tips & pointers (plus demonstrations) were given to local mums
and their toddlers concerning what to do, in an emergency, by a former
St. John Ambulance worker who came to a local community centre
one Thursday morning. (on site - 18/11/00).

Thursday Morning Under-3s Session - A few lovely snaps I took of some neighborhood mums and their toddlers when a local play worker
came to a local community centre. (on site - 07/11/00).

Friday Morning Under-5s Session - Some more snaps I took of some
 local toddlers one wet Friday in September during the regular storytelling
session held at a local community centre. (on site - 07/11/00).

'Summer Reading Relay' Photo Roll-Call of Honour - Pictures of nearly
all the kids who completed the annual reading challenge, held between
July to September at a local community centre. (on site - 27/12/00).

Halloween Craft Session - More delightful snaps, taken
at a hastily arranged half-term craft session at a local community
centre just in time for the end of October '00. (on site - 14/01/01).

Monday Storytelling Session with Blessed Sacrament (Year 2)
- Some delightful pictures of children from one of the local
primary schools during one of their weekly sessions at
a local community centre. (on site - 27/12/00).

Christmas Buzz In The Neighbourhood - Festive
goings-on as local children made cards and decorations
to put on the centre's Xmas tree (on site - 14/01/01).

Festival Of The Dispossessed - Music, performance, art and film at a
disused lido in Hackney, East London, August '98 (on site - 23/09/98).

Clapham Free Ganja Festival - Music, drumming, poetry and other things down Clapham Common, South London, May '99 (on site - 29/05/99).

Brockwell Park Free Festival - More music, seeing faces old faces and
other things you do on a sunny evening down in the largest park in
Brixton, South London, May '00 (on site - 31/05/00).


Fonthill Road Carnival & Hackney Culture Festival - A sexy samba beat
in the neighbourhood to brighten up a warm autumn evening, plus
carnival colour in Hackney the next day (on site - 28/04/99).


Islington International Festival - Music, performance and dancing in Islington, North London's annual summer event (on site - 22/01/00).

 Jagannath Ratha Yatra - A Hare Krishna event that occurred in
Battersea Park, South London, August '98 (on site - 23/09/98).

Notting Hill Carnival - Enjoying myself at Europe's
largest free annual street festival (on site - 22/03/01).

Morrissey at the Forum - Pics of the bloke with the quiff from Whalley
Range on the first of four nights in N.W. London (on site - 5/12/99).

Partial Eclipse On Hampstead Heath - Pics of one of nature's great natural phenomena (when the clouds don't spoil the view!) taken in & around one
of N.W. London's best-loved open spaces (on site - 15/04/00).


Miscellaneous - Pics that I couldn't classify and conttributions
(two more pages of pics added on-site - 08/10/00).

Links - An updated, but incomplete list of favourite sites for you to take a peek at.


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All photos © Lawrence Renee (unless where stated otherwise).

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