Always in progress...

This homepage was intended for me to have a place on the net to show some pictures of me and some of the things I like to see and do. I hope you can find some fun lurking in here somewhere.

Well a brief few words about me, my son and my fiance. I have a 5 year old son (He's the greatest). I guess all of us fathers think we have the cutest little tyke in the land. I know I sure do...LOL!!! I have been with my girlfriend for over a year now and she has been one inspiration after another, I can't thank her enough for all she has done for me.

"If I have done something out of the ordinary, could someone let me know. As far as I can tell everything looks legal. I would hate to go to jail...{lol}"

Links to other sites on the Web

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*****("Things Added Since 11-11-99")***** New Link added to the Links Page, Photos of 69 Camaro on Me and Cars 1.----- Always looking for something new to add to this page... Do me a huge favor before you go. Please sign in my gustbook, and tell me what you think so far. It would be nice to hear from some people from other places...

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("Please let me know if something isn't working right. As more things are added, the bigger chance of things going wrong.. Know what I mean? LOL!!")

Some Photos Of Me and Places I've Been "3 Pages"

Some Photos of Me and Cars "3 Pages Worth"

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