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Fun Stuff

Dear Me,

I have been going out with the same guy for ten years and he has just recently admitted that he originally was a girl. I love him/her but I am not straight. How can I date a girl? I am so confused. Please help me. ---Adam, 21

Dear Adam,

No matter what your sexual preference is, you fell in love with this person and that is all there is to it. Now, finding out that he was a girl doesn't change his personality. And if you are willing to give up such a good thing just because of this little secret, then you don't deserve him/her. ---Me


Dear Me,

I once had an obsession with Tetris. In fact, I even threatened my boyfriend when he wouldn't let me play it on his calculator. I am afraid that I might do this type of thing again. Are there support groups for this kind of thing? ---Vrinda, 15

Dear Vrinda,

Actually, there aren't any support groups for that. Maybe you can call Charter. ---Me


Dear Me,

I am in love with the greatest guy. He's tall and blonde, with gorgeous blue eyes, and, best of all, he can't talk back to me. You see, he is a cartoon character. The guy who created him has a huge crush on me, but I only like him for his drawings. Am I being superficial? ---Geri, 17

Dear Geri,

Yes. ---Me

If you have any real questions, we will be more than happy to answer them (seriously). Just e-mail us at got_answers@hotmail.com


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