Body Area: Lungs Colour: Yellow Home: Modern Holiday: Beaches As Lovers: Lively Voice: Animated Animal: Monkey Herb/Spice: Aniseed Car: Two-Seater Number: 5 Career: Journalist Hobby: Languages City: San Francisco Country: U.S.A Drink: Hock Food: Chinese Exercise: Fencing Health: Must Relax Flower: Lavender Tree: Walnut Gemstone: Agate Planet: Mercury Give-Away: Springy Walk Image: High Fashion
Geminians have a talent for communication, and journalism is an ideal occupation for them. They tend to have very quick intellects fired by curiosity, and rational minds. Their strong sense of logic enables them to grasp the elements of a situation or subject quickly.
A dull partner, however attractive, will not be tolerated long by a Gemini. Shared interests are important but not necessarily shared views, because discussion and argument are the spice of life to a Gemini. Geminians make lively parents, but can be too fault-finding, forgetting that their child may not be so quick-minded as themselves. The Gemini child is intelligent, but is easily bored and should be encouraged to finish all tasks that are started.
Work in all branches of the media is ideal for communicative and versatile Geminians. They are often natural salespeople, and prove to be shrewed in business. However, they dislike solitary work and may be unhappy if they are promoted to lonely positions of power.
Geminians do not know what leisure is; they fill every moment with activity and are always seeking out ways to amuse themselves. They should burn off their nervous energy with sports such as squash, tennis, or jogging. |