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My Music
A Day at the Surf, Skate Slam Festival
Hi I'm Luke from Coffs Harbour. I am currently studing Tourism /Hospitality and have lived in Coffs for 3 years. This is a pic of me , mum and my two sisters Kim and Yannika.( They'll probably kill me for putting them on this page)
Me surfing at my old home beach; Wategoes Beach, Byron Bay my other Hobbies include tennis, writing songs and playing the guitar, volleyball and many other irelevent things.
The unfortunate view I have to wake up to when I'm in Byron.
Me in "93" snowboarding for the first time at Perisher Blue. On the 3rd of December I will be leaving for the Mammoth Moutain Ski Resort in California so I can work for their season as a front office assistant. Hopefully I can save enough money so I can travel around the US and then up to Whistler, Canada.
Dad and I before My Year 12 Formal.( Bad photo but I don't have many good ones)
This is a 21st (Drunken) photo of me and my girlfriend. (She was fun while she lasted!....only joking.)
This is a group shot of my friends in Coffs Harbour.
Snowboarding Video Clips Sounds
Bad feeling

Marky Mark
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