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Welcome to the To Kill A Mockingbird Web Site!  This site is dedicated to the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, and my English project on the topic.  Feel free to browse the site, and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, leave a note in my Guestbook.


Click here to view the information from the movie.  This includes the complete cast list, directors, producers, etc., and a select list of awards.


Click here to view information on the newspapers of the novel.  I have written a sample issue of The Maycomb Tribune, which is available here.


Click here to view a diagram of some of the family relationships of the novel.  I attempted to draw the family tree of the town, but that is virtually impossible.  Harper Lee gives you the impression that it would be completely crossing, which explains the background, but she does not go into much detail with that information.  Click on each name to view a brief description of the character.


Click here to play my version of To Kill A Mockingbird Jeopardy! Online.  You will need to adjust the settings on your web browser under preferences in order for the questions to disappear when the question has been read.


Click here to view the Literature Cited page for this site.


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