The Purple Love Symbol
These Pages have been designed by :
Jakob Olsen ©

Welcome to The Purple Music Experience
The welcome-page of The Purple Music Experience A description of ALL The Artist's records. Complete with covers, release dates, chart info, lyrics etc. etc. A COMPLETE collection of The Artist's lyrics. Sorted and in an easy to read form. The links that I find usefull. By no means complete but covering allmost anything you need to know. Information about this site, version history, site map, ME, support, etc. etc. Please send ANY comments to me here. Over 500,000 songs

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- Jakob Olsen.
His Royal Purpleness

The Purple Reign...

    Few artists in the world has had such an effect on the music of the world as The Artist Formerly Known as Prince or Symbol. Fewer yet has released as many albums as Symbol and made each of them unique and brilliant. Now, 2 decades after the release of "For You", Symbol is as alive and productive as ever. He has had up's and down's but in the end he has emerged as a true genius and an artist we will continue to follow for decades to come.

The Purple Music Experience?

    What do I offer you that you can't find elsewhere...?
    A quick and easy way to find anything you want to know. This site has been designed with clarity and ease of use as the main goals. In one section you can find all the album information. In another section you can find all the lyrics Prince has ever released. In a third section you will find a discography (+130kb) with cover photos, chart notes, release dates, titles and years sorted and easy to read and find. And as something very special the links section only contains links that are actually usefull. And I have included a description of every one of them.
    I suggest you browse around for a while and discover the rest for yourself, there is a lot more here. Now enjoy the site and "Welcome to The Dawn".

Please send any comments or suggestions to me via E-male and I shall answer or respond to them as soon and nicely as I can.

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