This Week in Wakefire Records

This page will be updately weekly, telling what has happened each week in Wakefire Records history, starting with last Thursday, March 13 until today, March 19. Each week's happenings will be kept to look back upon later on. The weeks will be listed in reverse order so you don't have to scroll all the way down to see the most recent week.

Week of
Nothing happened from May 19 - June 4
May 4 - 18
May 1 - 7
April 24 - 30, 1997 April 17 - 23, 1997
April 10 - 16, 1997
April 3 - 9, 1997
March 27 - April 2, 1997
March 20-26, 1997
March 13-19, 1997
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